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Yvia October 21, 2019 8:02 pm

I wish that there'd be an update soon ( or at least a legal site where I can but the english translation). I tried to buy the korean raws but I just don't get peanuttoon. I just love the story so much. I hope that whoever is translating it, will come back. I am grateful to whoever is going to translate it. I don't mind waiting for updates but it kinda feels like there won't be an update soon, or does somebody here knows more than me? Is the translator just on a hiatus?

    Sneha November 14, 2019 3:39 am
    Yvia November 21, 2019 9:14 am
    you can read the raws here! Sneha

    Thanks for your kind effort! But I already know these raws. But the raws there don't have all raws. Since the author released a new side story. Or something like that. And tbh I'd like to support the author buy buying the raws but I simply don't understand peanuttoon's site. And still I'd like someone to translate it, I don't care if I need to pay for it. I just hope some site or scanlation team would pick it up.