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SAD BISH. Recommend me isekai manga?

alyvahiddleston October 21, 2019 7:07 pm

So.. recently I've been too bored and used other sites to easily read short 1 to 6 chapters of average and way too similar mangas known popularly with 'ISEKAI' plot. Every now and then I remembered it's not good cause easy sites like those changed domains quickly and got blocked easily as well. But I've been too ignorant and I read quite a lot a quality story of Isekai mangas. Those that mostly similar with 'saihate no paladin' or 'the boy picked up by gods' . But then today it finally happens and they're erasing all the contents except the official members (quite pricey). It's too sudden and is on maintenance. Hell I didn't even able to load anything anymore... So all that GREAT QUALITY ISEKAI MANGAS I COLLECTED ON FAV before I intend to put it into lists in this site has all been erased. Fuq that. I'm so sad... So guys... Any recommendations of mangas that absolutely has fine quality stories like saihate paladin and boy picked up by god's??? Recommend it to me please. I'm dying. Thank you. (/TДT)/
