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GC ?

space_ex October 20, 2019 4:38 pm

heyo fellas, what are ur guy's thoughts on having a gc to talk about manga? ideally it would be on IG, as i find that to be the best platform to talk through.
it'd be a pretty open space - the only thing i won't accept is anything that romanticizes rape or assault. that shit aint cute ! i get that lots of manga have the whole "nooo stoppp~~" thing going for them and thats on THIN ICE but its everywhere so whatever. I'm talking more Warehouse type situations where the mc is locked in a basement and is FORCED to do stuff. We can of course read and discuss this, as they do have compelling plots, but i really dont want to interact with the sort of people who are deluded into thinking that that's okay to enjoy, even on a fictional level.

if anything, dm me @ it.julie on insta !! tell me what ur faves are, we might ever have subchats for specific genre/comics (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
