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Thank you bitch for slit that little slut throat

Misaki October 18, 2019 11:35 am

Thank you bitch for slit that little slut throat

    Jene October 18, 2019 4:10 pm

    Ooookay(⊙…⊙ ), so she is a slut for changing her looks to get attention from the guy she likes? Or is she a slut for getting angry that her boyfriend kissed someone else in front of her? To me she just sounds like a normal girl inlove.

    Misaki October 18, 2019 4:20 pm

    No... i just don't like that hoe from the beginning and i'm glad that someone cut that little bitch... ps this is yaoi lil bitches are unacceptable

    Jene October 18, 2019 6:10 pm
    No... i just don't like that hoe from the beginning and i'm glad that someone cut that little bitch... ps this is yaoi lil bitches are unacceptable Misaki

    Wow, I am not the praying type but I really pray you never reproduce.

    Myuca October 19, 2019 1:16 pm
    Wow, I am not the praying type but I really pray you never reproduce. Jene

    And I pray that you can just stfu.

    Jene October 19, 2019 8:12 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! shyann1356

    It's sad and scary at the same time, Lord please please press the reset button on humanity

    Misaki October 20, 2019 4:42 am

    For satan's sake SHUT THE FUCK UP

    Myuca October 20, 2019 4:52 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! shyann1356

    Thats highly ironic.

    Manga_Hoe October 24, 2019 11:47 am

    I so agree with you that bitch acted stuck up as hell.. It was fucking laughable how she "Loves" him so but treated him like an insect.. If you love someone you tend to be more affectionate but she was just acting like she had a stick up her ass. So yeah I am also glad to see the prickly bitch gone..

    Starlight October 25, 2019 7:52 pm
    I so agree with you that bitch acted stuck up as hell.. It was fucking laughable how she "Loves" him so but treated him like an insect.. If you love someone you tend to be more affectionate but she was just act... Manga_Hoe

    Nah you know you didn’t like her because she is a girl. Some of y’all just using the excuse that she is an asshole but you know damn well that if she was a boy and had this exact personality y’all would be crying that he died. Lmao

    Manga_Hoe October 26, 2019 1:17 am

    Nah.. Gender don't matter to me.. I like it when there is a girl in the stories. I just like it when fucked up things happen to people like her especially since she was putting on that holier than thou snobby fascade..

    Myuca October 26, 2019 6:52 am
    Nah you know you didn’t like her because she is a girl. Some of y’all just using the excuse that she is an asshole but you know damn well that if she was a boy and had this exact personality y’all would b... Starlight

    Ah you must be a feminist to assume that. Quite easy to read. But a bitch is a bitch regardless of gender. Then again you will not understand shit considering you already are one.

    Starlight October 31, 2019 4:39 am
    Ah you must be a feminist to assume that. Quite easy to read. But a bitch is a bitch regardless of gender. Then again you will not understand shit considering you already are one. Myuca

    Then I understand you must already know that you are also a bitch.

    Starlight October 31, 2019 4:40 am
    Nah.. Gender don't matter to me.. I like it when there is a girl in the stories. I just like it when fucked up things happen to people like her especially since she was putting on that holier than thou snobby f... Manga_Hoe

    Ok, sorry to assume

    Myuca October 31, 2019 8:48 am
    Then I understand you must already know that you are also a bitch. Starlight

    Go search up the word "bitch" in the dictionary and understand the meaning of it. Don't embarass yourself with your lack of English command:)