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I can't really enjoy this. This is the author having his cake and eating it too. What was ...

muthi October 18, 2019 9:18 am

I can't really enjoy this. This is the author having his cake and eating it too. What was the point of the whole conflict from the beginning if the resolution is to negate it. You can be a doctor and empress...oh my god!

    Bluesky October 18, 2019 6:13 pm

    I don't plan to change your opinion but if you see it in the perspective of old tradition it is indeed difficult to change. An empress is a full time job everyone in the castle know that so having another job is a no no since being an empress is top priority. So they haven't really considered the option of the empress having another job much less the future empress becoming a doctor that takes a lot of effort and time. In my mind, it made perfect sense. Traditions die hard, change wouldn't always be the number one option, in my opinion.