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Wait what

Sofuckingcute October 17, 2019 10:17 pm

Wait what, did I miss something? People in the comments are talking about the fact that he is clearly cheating but I didn't notice anything? Like where? Is it just me being stupid or what?

    Okarisu September 23, 2020 11:37 pm

    Old comment, so sorry if you’re not interested anymore, but he one time fingered a girl (it was to get information for Momoko, but still) and then he basically kisses and hugs a lot of his fans. It honestly depends on the relationship, as some partners might be okay with that since it’s for their celebrity SO’s image, but I’d say most wouldn’t, especially since the public already knows he has a gf so there’s no reason for him to do that anymore.

    Okarisu September 23, 2020 11:38 pm

    But I have no clue what the people saying he has a side chick are talking about. They say there are hints, but there are zero and those people are reaching if they honestly think that.

    Okarisu September 23, 2020 11:57 pm

    There was like ONE line I read that someone might interpret as cheating, but it sounded more like a girl made a move on him. He’s told girls they can’t kiss him on the lips and stuff, so I think people are just misinterpreting some things. Not that his behavior doesn’t annoy me. I hope it changes.

    Sofuckingcute September 24, 2020 2:03 pm

    Oh alright, thank you for the explanation