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For anyone dissatisfied with the uplaods... it's true it may be a dick move if someone upl...

Mar October 13, 2019 9:49 am

For anyone dissatisfied with the uplaods... it's true it may be a dick move if someone uploaded these when another team was working hard on it and others for Mangago, and maybe these are updates from an ig translator, but really, it ain't bad at all. You get the story and development and as long as you're not so visually impaired that you can't read the blurred words, it works. It would definitely have been nice if all the images were clear and fully pleasant, but frankly, as someone who doesn't have the resources to spend a lot of money on all that I read, I appreciate the mega upload, definitely like a miracle present. The story went in a great direction, you can still tell what happens, the sex scenes aren't censored at all for crying out loud, and enough of it was clear enough that you just gotta get over the more blurred parts. Personally, I dislike picky people who get attached to pure HD because one day, there may come a time when HD isn't achievable for whatever reason like humans using up resources and you gotta be greatful for what there is. The team that was probs working on this before can still upload better quality if they like to be honest, there is no reason they should give up just bc someone else decided to upload a bunch at once at a quality that might not do the work justice.

    GorgoniaG October 13, 2019 11:07 am

    These translations are the translations of previous uploader who people were criticising so much he had those removed. The translator had his translations on Google Drive, and someone stole his translations and put it here.
    He was working on his own translations on google drive and someone stole his work and posted it here.
    He informed many that he was happy someone picked up BLOOD LINK and he will be deleting his personal work on google drive chapter by chapter, and then this happened. Someone saw that and decided to save up and post his chapter here. Which sucks.

    Mar October 14, 2019 6:42 am
    These translations are the translations of previous uploader who people were criticising so much he had those removed. The translator had his translations on Google Drive, and someone stole his translations and... GorgoniaG

    .~. I appreciated his uploads back then. Not right what happened here anyway, but all who've now seen it have seen it. Even if it were taken off, we've seen it. Would've been nice if people didn't complain about the quality this time. Just bc it ain't HD when they aren't even paying for it