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Thatperson October 13, 2019 4:05 am

Friday i was late to my 3rd period which is office aid. There were 3 of us that help around. Me and this kid would sit in the front task the other kid sat in chairs with no table . Friday we got a new kid to help out and he put his packback where i usually sit. Since I was late they went out to deliver notes including the new kid. So when I was signing in for that period the person in charge of us told me to help fold papers in to envelopes . She told me to move the new kid packback so I could seat and do the task. I felt so bad that moved him from his seat and it still haunts me til this day bc i dont say to him "oh sorry i moved you from your sit "

    VIXX October 13, 2019 9:01 am

    I wouldn't worry about it. The teacher told you to move the backpack right.
    If new kid was present when teacher said this = don't worry about it
    If new kid wasn't present = don't worry about it (refer to first sentence as to why not to)
    If you feel like the new kid might feel odd because of this, just go to them and say something like "I hope you don't dislike because I moved your bag, I apologise. The teacher asked me to do it and I should've said something to you then"
    If the new kid doesn't feel like there is bad blood or didn't care, problem solved. If they did, well you apologised.