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Disappointed :(

IThink We ALL love manga October 12, 2019 9:57 am

This is like eating a dry ass salad, without the dressing, like where is the SAUCE??! so you're not even gonna tell us what happens with the friend? or how will they wake up the next morning? like no SAUCE AT ALL??!!! that's too bad.

    5200 October 12, 2019 9:59 am

    Your comment gave me "WHERE'S THE LAMB SAUCE" vibe and I love it!

    IThink We ALL love manga October 12, 2019 10:04 am
    Your comment gave me "WHERE'S THE LAMB SAUCE" vibe and I love it! 5200

    Lmao, I swear to God some of these mangas make me turn into a whole Gorden Ramsey and I can't help it.