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Ok, so Towa is definitely a rare find, because either he is completely retarded or has bee...

Anonymous February 21, 2014 2:31 pm

Ok, so Towa is definitely a rare find, because either he is completely retarded or has been living under a rock until now, or else he couldnt possibly be that naive. The author misuses his innocent trait, to the point of making him appear to be dumb. I don't call this cute, I call this delusional. I can tolerate idealism, I have no problem with naive uke (though I know there is no such thing as naive high school boy), nut this is pushing things too far. Like, they fucked, and it takes a whole volume for Towa to vaguely realize that they are not friends. He doesn't even think that two men together could be call lovers, and the thought of having a girlfriend even crosses his mind. I don't even like Mikado that much, but if I have a 21st century boyfriend that is soooo frustratingly clueless, I may as well die of a heart attack. And this is like their 3rd volume or something right? Well, in every chapter they make love, Towa constantly and repetitively gets jealously, Mikado confesses several times, and shit is just blew out of proportion every fucking chapter I begin to question why Japanese have such weird definition of "cute".

The first and second volume are good to kill time, but this volume specially deals with Towa's realization of their love, and it turns him into an idiot, no I really mean he knows nothing at all, he seriously need sex ed or some shit.

This is a good example of how over the top character construction may lead to complete retardation.

    Nuthin2say March 18, 2014 5:41 pm

    Don't like it don't read. Just save the bad comments. Towa is okay the way he is though I agree the author is toying with him too much. The author is the one who made Towa that way, so don't blame the character. The term 'cute' is for someone who truly appreciate it is the only one who can understand it.

    p/s: no offence. just stating my pov

    Sora March 23, 2014 4:06 am

    Towa isn't retarded ಠ_ಠ He's just confused :c Yeah, he's had tons of sex with Mikado but it's not like he was gay to begin with. It's really difficult for a guy who's grown up thinking all his life about having a girlfriend and stuff suddenly befriending and a guy who starts to like him romantically. It's not like they flip a switch and say "I'M GAY!" and start banging guys left and right instead of girls. It's a long and tedious process and Mikado knows this; that's why he and Towa have sex or do sexual things any chance he gets. And Towa isn't even attracted to other guys except Mikado. That's why Mikado's kinda made it so that Towa is starting to actually notice Mikado's presence and his importance. THAT'S why Towa gets jealous over Mikado, he's finally starting to understand where his sexuality is and with whom it's gonna be with. And no he's not gonna be gay for just any guy, only Mikado. If you noticed, in Warui Ouji Demo Suki, Akagi-san tries to make a move on Towa and it immediately goes over Towa's head because they only guy who exists in his eyes is Mikado. And if you look at who raised him I think you'll find all that is there about Towa's naivety and what you call "retardation" which was a very rude thing to say. Do you even know what the correct definition for the term is? I don't think so with the way you used it...
    Nagahisa and Kuon are overly protective of Towa, their baby brother, so of course he's gonna grow up in a sheltered life. He may be a delinquent but he's the good kind that doesn't get in trouble outside of school. Towa was a virgin before he and Mikado started their relationship so of course he's not going to know what's going on. Towa is a charater that is well-known for his naivety, clumsiness, and innocence. And that's what Mikado likes about him. Mikado is the type of person that likes to take control and look after somebody. And what better person to fill that criteria but Towa himself. Towa is dependent and Mikado is independent.
    And like Nuthin2say said: Don't like it don't read it.

    shimi April 6, 2014 4:11 am

    Dosent really bother me that much, i think it actually adds to the story!

    Saya April 22, 2014 9:51 pm

    Towa was raised by his 2 older brothers they shelter and spoil him and yes he's naive but thats what makes him Towa I mean even his friends shelter him and I'm sure he wasn't gay to begin with and he's just now learned to accept it i don't want to come off like I'm being mean or rude i respect your oppinion but the authur put lot of work into this and a lot of people love this manga and all the characters in it

    Evilcleo May 1, 2014 4:57 pm

    I agree with the op. I mean, I like him but it isn't unreasonable to ask for some development, an evolution already. Not in a long series like this anyway.

    name June 5, 2014 2:23 am

    It was pretty far-fetched. Towa is sometimes a little dense for me.