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Jihyun can take his shitty personality and flush it down the toilet where it belongs. You...

Doldrums September 25, 2019 2:05 am

Jihyun can take his shitty personality and flush it down the toilet where it belongs.

You want him to end up with Chiwoo? Fine. It's fiction and none of my business. But when you attempt to justify his behavior by saying he cares for Chiwoo or he's "misunderstood", that's where you're mistaken.

Jihyun doesn't care about Chiwoo. He cares about himself, and at this point, his so-called "love" for Chiwoo is just an extension of his own ego.

If he actually cared for or loved Chiwoo, he would listen to him and respect his feelings. He wouldn't lash out every time he didn't get his way, and he wouldn't manipulate Chiwoo with lies like "I won't do it again" only to stick around him and repeat the same abusive behavior.

Most of all, he would not assault him, and then turn around and say "It's your fault" to Chiwoo. By blaming the victim of his actions, he purposely avoids taking responsibility for hurting them (btw this is a very common trait of abusers and rapists).

All this to say, if you want Chiwoo to have a happy, healthy relationship, then he shouldn't have to sacrifice his friendships, personal space, and well-being for Jihyun's obsession.

    Nagira September 25, 2019 3:44 am


    Panda chan September 25, 2019 4:47 am

    Well that would be true if everyone had the same knowledge of love, it's not really up to anyone else to dictate what can be known as love. Not to mention there is no reason as to why he would cling on Chiwoo for his so called ego, if that was so he would surround himself with people who showed him in compliment and admiration. What he feels for Chiwoo is love, just a very misconstrued and possessive kind of love, I don't know how you can't see it but he does love him he's just not going about in a proper manner at all. Jihyun is just an overprotective and possessive puppy who continually begs his owner to stay home until the point where if his own was to bring anyone else home he would bite as a very crude analogy. His love for Chiwoo is very fucked up and abusive but it is still love. It's weird that way

    AnimeAkumu September 25, 2019 9:40 pm
    Well that would be true if everyone had the same knowledge of love, it's not really up to anyone else to dictate what can be known as love. Not to mention there is no reason as to why he would cling on Chiwoo f... Panda chan

    Its infatuation, obsession. If you love someone you wouldnt be yandere over then like they are your object.

    Panda chan September 26, 2019 3:42 am
    Its infatuation, obsession. If you love someone you wouldnt be yandere over then like they are your object. AnimeAkumu

    But he never treats him as an object. There is a difference between obsession and possessive, Jihyun doesn't start to act aggressive until he notices Chiwoo was avoiding him and it added fuel to the fire when he noticed he was giving his attention to someone else. If anything it escalated to obsession when Jihyun did what he did.

    AnimeAkumu September 26, 2019 4:02 am
    But he never treats him as an object. There is a difference between obsession and possessive, Jihyun doesn't start to act aggressive until he notices Chiwoo was avoiding him and it added fuel to the fire when h... Panda chan

    Thats victim blaming. Chiwoo has no obligation to give him attention he is his own person. He even almost raped him.

    Taejii September 26, 2019 11:00 am

    Amen bitch amen these lil girls needs to understand that consent is soooo absolutely necessary and important

    Taejii September 26, 2019 11:04 am
    Well that would be true if everyone had the same knowledge of love, it's not really up to anyone else to dictate what can be known as love. Not to mention there is no reason as to why he would cling on Chiwoo f... Panda chan

    Girl you’re right on one part :who are we to decide what love is ..ok fair point but you see what we all do know if he have atleast half a brain cell is Consent is super duper important like I don’t know how to stress this enough so is chiwoo ever feels unsafe around his own man or “friend” is there isn’t a equal balance of power which starts abusive and toxic relationships So we can’t be defending a attempted rapist out here but u do see where you are coming from cause I do wanna like jihyun but I can’t

    Panda chan September 27, 2019 11:11 am
    Thats victim blaming. Chiwoo has no obligation to give him attention he is his own person. He even almost raped him. AnimeAkumu

    I didn't blame Chiwoo I stated a fact he did start to avoid Jihyun and Jihyun did react negatively when he found out. You're assume that because my statement is going against yours that I'm defending Jihyun when all I'm saying is that everyone wants to think of love as a pure warm thing when that's not always the case. Love can be twisted and fucked up and that's the kinda love Jihyun feels never the less it's still love. There may be elements of obsession and codependency but it's still love.

    Panda chan September 27, 2019 11:15 am
    Girl you’re right on one part :who are we to decide what love is ..ok fair point but you see what we all do know if he have atleast half a brain cell is Consent is super duper important like I don’t know h... Taejii

    Consent is important, yes but that is not what we're talking about.