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Anónimamente-Anonimo September 21, 2019 3:19 pm

it just hit me the fact that, in a way, the ones who support sumi are feeling the things from Utou's perspective and the ones who support Utou are feeling from Sumi perspective
Not completly but in a way. Fight me and I'll explain (。・ω・。)ノ

    THE QUEEN September 21, 2019 3:29 pm

    REALLY. explain sis? cuz I'm confused (⊙…⊙ )

    Anónimamente-Anonimo September 21, 2019 3:58 pm

    ok, this is about their relationship and not the general situation, that being said... let's get started

    First with Sumi, he knows that Utou has such a big heart and that he was heartbroken because an omega, wich made Sumi try to stop dependig on Utou, cause he was feeling that he was taking advantage of Utou and that he (Sumi) totally didn't deserve him (Utou). But then Sumi actions end up hurts Utou and Sumi feels that everything is his own fault cause even when Utou actually loves him, he couldn't make the right choice (hence Sumi thinking that he betrayed Utou)

    Does ring a bell to you ?

    Anónimamente-Anonimo September 21, 2019 4:40 pm

    Now Utou, he knows that Sumi always tries to deal with everything for himself and also knows Sumi's past, which makes Utou want to take care of him and not press Sumi (partly because of that, Utou avoided confronting Sumi when he should)

    After the bite mark, Utou can see his mistakes and how they made Sumi feel, that's why he says he is not disappointed in Sumi and can understand him (like those who support Sumi)