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Memory Land September 18, 2019 11:43 pm

To be honest with you, I hate how the story is going. I also hate how people keep blaming the uke. WTF is that? Let me ask you whether you can remember the kid you were playing with before you were 10 years old? Not to mention the promise!? Please!
The uke grows up and forgot about his ambitious dream when he was a little kid, he also forgot about the little kid who was like his little brother, NO PROBLEM. BECAUSE AT THAT TIME HE, WAS ALSO, A CHILD!!
He hurts the seme, yeah right, but that doesn't mean the seme has the right to abuse him and destroy his life! WTF are you a god or something?? Grow up you f**king idiot!
To be honest, the seme misunderstood the feeling the uke had for him too! The uke said "yeah we are brothers" but the seme himself thought that "NO! We are more than that". He created those illusions and got hurt because of it. The uke has no fault in that!
