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Dude is a war hero now, has an army and many loyal followers. "We can't kill him, we can't...

Anonymous September 18, 2019 7:20 pm

Dude is a war hero now, has an army and many loyal followers. "We can't kill him, we can't kick him out. Let's give him a noble title and land." Isn't that like a dumb thing to do? If the land he got is crappy and he turns it around and makes it better. The people that live on that land, will be loyal to him, giving him more followers and a bigger army.
Seriusly. If you don't want him to be stronger, DON'T give him something that can make him stronger.

    Danny September 18, 2019 8:00 pm

    I was thinking the exact same thing, you’re only giving him more power to go against you if you cross him. They already know he’s very knowledgeable and can sway others, you’re just giving him thousands of more loyal followers under his belt. But I feel like that land he’s going to be taking care of is going to be the best outta the country. So the Queen and her followers are gonna have more problems ahead of them to “contain” him :/