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Just something I'd like to point out about chap 113

dattw September 17, 2019 5:59 pm

I didn't have time to write the last time, but did anyone notice how Seunghee found it annoying that friends were writing on Seungtaek's cast, yet he did the exact same thing to Inbeom? Yes, it's hypocritical, but I think it really sums up his characer well (and makes my heart hurt for him)

Seunghee's always been the kind to shun his peers and their lifestyle. He thinks they're essentially childish and he's too good for that. He found Suhyeok annoying on first glance, he refused to make friends with his classmates, thought the jokes his peers made were stupid and he could never get along with them. He got annoyed when he went to the beach with class president and vice-class president and he said he only liked hanging out with that pedophile.

Yet it's with Inbeom that we see the hypocrisy. He sings his heart out at the noraebang with Inbeom. He enjoys laughing and joking with Inbeom. He likes talking with him, as friends. And it becomes clear when he outright thinks his peers are stupid for writing on Seungtaek's cast, but does the same with Inbeom without realising. :(

I think it's obvious that Seunghee's tough past shaped a lot of how he is today. To call him tsundere is pretty one-dimensional. Seunghee broke up his entire family because he was gay. Imagine *being* something that tears your family apart. It's different from doing something, because being something means that Seunghee can't change that. He's just meant to be someone who his family loathes because of who he is.

It's no wonder he shuns everyone. He puts up this cold and hostile front, not wanting to get close to people because if your family is able to turn your back on your, your own flesh and blood and the people who raised you, what about people who aren't blood-related? He's scared of being betrayed again, of being abandoned.

But Seunghee's still a kid on the inside. Like anyone else, he wants to have friends his age. It's lonely for him to have no friends, especially when you're shunned by your family. So naturally, he comes up with all sorts of reasons to ease away the sadness and protect himself from getting hurt. "Those kids are childish. I don't like them. I'm too good for them. I'm too mature to hang out with them." He's drawn to the pedophile partly because of that I feel, though the main allure is that the pedo is an outcast like him.

That's why it really, really makes me so happy that Seunghee has Inbeom. No matter what, he's still a kid who wants to have fun like how his peers do and have friends. He's a kid that was forced to grow up fast to protect himself. People mistake him as being arrogant but he's just trying to protect himself. And it's this fact that makes him similar to Inbeom, who made a more grave mistake---he bullied Seungtaek who he loved because he felt vulnerable and it made him scared, I feel. It made me so sad to see Seunghee upset at himself for liking Suhyeok, he was pretty much mad at himself for setting himself up for only pain and hurt. That's all he's learnt to expect from people.

It's sad to think Seunghee has to go through so much, but I hope with Suhyeok and Inbeom, Seunghee can open up more and learn to have faith and trust others.

BTW, I call the pedophile a pedophile because he is a pedophile. Also remember the dickpic incident? Yeah, check the flash back. That pedo sent it to Seungtaek when the kid was in middle school.

    soleilsuns September 18, 2019 1:47 am

    reading this made my day. The friendship between Seunghee and Inbeom is precious for exactly those reasons; Seunghee gets to finally act his own age around someone and have fun while doing it, too. I love Suhyeok, but because he is somewhat mature himself, their relationship tends to be more serious than playful which is why I'm glad Inbeom exists and brings out that side of Seunghee.

    Alichousan September 18, 2019 12:26 pm

    I couldn't have explained this any
    better! They form an amazing trio. Also the author brings out so many subtle emotional dispute one can have in their daily lives. This is why I'm still reading this manhwa. The characters are well developped and it is nice to see them grow in their situations.

    Alichousan September 18, 2019 12:26 pm

    I couldnt have explained this any
    better! They form an amazing trio. Also the author brings out so many subtle emotional dispute one can have in their daily lives. This is why I'm still reading this manhwa. The characters are well developped and it is nice to see them grow in their situations.