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I have no idea why Seunghee/Suhyeok fans always have to announce they like the second coup...

dattw September 17, 2019 10:09 am

I have no idea why Seunghee/Suhyeok fans always have to announce they like the second couple more than the first. Imagine going into a candy shop, buying lollipops, and then standing there yelling at every person who buys chocolate, “JUST SO YOU KNOW, I DON’T LIKE CHOCOLATE. I LIKE LOLLIPOPS MORE THAN CHOCOLATE. LOLLIPOPS ARE BETTER THAN CHOCOLATES. YOU LIKE CHOCOLATES? WHY? LOLLIPOPS ARE BETTER! YOU'RE SO WEIRD!”

Can’t you annoying fans keep quiet for once and let people enjoy what they want? How self-absorbed are you? This goes to ALL Kyubin/Seungtaek fans who do this too.

    nathaniel September 17, 2019 12:31 pm

    What is wrong with that exactly? They announce who they like more. Whether it is objectively right or wrong shouldn't matter, at the moment, because that is how they feel. They have every right to share their opinion as you have every right to criticize theirs. I am tired of people like who thinks their words are gospel. Rather than expect people to follow what you want, why don't you do what you preach. Be quiet and enjoy the things you like. We should be the one saying how-self absorbed are you? If there is something you don't like or you don't agree with, go ahead and feel free to start an argument. However, don't ever think that your words are law. Besides, I'm quite certain that you have an ulterior motive for posting this ridiculous complaint considering your other post.

    dattw September 17, 2019 4:42 pm
    What is wrong with that exactly? They announce who they like more. Whether it is objectively right or wrong shouldn't matter, at the moment, because that is how they feel. They have every right to share their o... nathaniel

    Bro... ulterior motive? It's a manhwa, how old are you to legitimately think people would have ulterior motives about telling people to stop? The truth is simple: you're offended because you're exactly the type of person I described. All I said was to stop comparing the couples when you know it does nothing and just makes people annoyed. Yet you yap your head off as if I wrote it in the bible and demanded God to make you stop.

    Are you the sort that like to pit the couples against one another because you have some warped delusion that fans of the manhwa are split into two "factions" like you're in some EXO vs BTS fanwar on Twitter? That's why you're so offended, because you're one of those children that probably likes to hate on certain things and then yell "BUT I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO SO!!!!". Look, I'll make it easy for you to understand: what you're doing isn't a sin but it's an asshole thing to do. You can be rude and continue stomping around angrily but what does it do for you, kid?

    And boy, you sure are dense. You get mad at me saying that we should all be quiet and enjoy what I like, yet you say that I should be quiet and enjoy what I like? Did you think before writing this post or are you that brainless?

    Look, if you're offended because you act like a petty child, maybe don't get mad at me for pointing it out and try to change your behaviour?

    dattw September 17, 2019 4:51 pm
    What is wrong with that exactly? They announce who they like more. Whether it is objectively right or wrong shouldn't matter, at the moment, because that is how they feel. They have every right to share their o... nathaniel

    Oh okay, now I remember. You're that Seunghee fan. It's sad that once you like a character, you believe you have to worship their every move and defend them from any sort of criticism. It must be suffocating to have you as a fan, I hope you're not a fan of idols, else you'd excuse them from every mistake they make. Dear god, I have the feeling you're one of those oppalogists who pretends gender discrimination doesn't exist against women idols.

    Look, kid... People can generally like things and also point out things that are wrong or that they don't particularly like. Do you have friends who do things who are annoying, or toxic? You don't have to love every aspect of them, okay? Things are not black and white in life and aren't easily categorised into GUD and BAD. Carry that life lesson with you.

    Also, you seem to think that I'm against Seunghee or maybe the second couple, but if you stopped being so irrationally offended for a few seconds, you'd notice my post points out KyuTaek fans also. But that doesn't fit into your narrative, does it? Because it's easier to go HOW DARE THEY SAY THAT ABOUT MA FANDOM!!!! HE MUST BE BAD KYUTAEK FAN ATTACKIN MA SHHHHIIIIPPPPP!!! IM SO ANGERY

    nathaniel September 17, 2019 5:57 pm

    I have no idea how you went to include the topic revolving around gender discrimination. That tells me again that you have a weird view of things. As I mentioned in my other post, I admit that I like Seunghee as a character which is why I can be emotional when I see posts that demean his character. When I read, I like to be immersed. That's the gist of it. Besides, what is wrong with defending his character from criticism, exactly? Shouldn't you be open to it? That is literally what they do in class which I'm going to assume you went to despite the fact that you present yourself in an obnoxious way. Again, as a reality check, I don't tend to idolize real people. They bore me which is probably another reason why I get so invested in fictional characters so you don't have to worry about me suffocating someone.
    Look, immature person... if you are going to criticize something, make sure that you criticize the idea that is being presented. Don't criticize the fact that people do certain things which they are free to do. And please, don't lift up yourself now when in your very own post, you suggested the idea that people shouldn't do things which is most likely why you didn't include that thought in your response. You know you are in the wrong here. How about you carry that life lesson with you instead?
    Finally, stop writing things that I wouldn't write or think about. You're the only one here who keeps degrading himself/herself whenever you do that. Just to reiterate my thoughts, I am not offended because you have an ulterior motive that I'd like to think you have (whether that is true or not is on me); I am offended because of what you said in your post.

    dattw September 17, 2019 6:09 pm
    I have no idea how you went to include the topic revolving around gender discrimination. That tells me again that you have a weird view of things. As I mentioned in my other post, I admit that I like Seunghee a... nathaniel

    Nah, you're offended because you think I have some kind of ulterior motive. IDK what that is but apparently you were offended enough to accuse me of having that, when we are just have a dicussion on MANHWAS. What, do you think I'm about to hatch a nuclear plot or something, kid?

    "I admit that I like Seunghee as a character which is why I can be emotional when I see posts that demean his character. When I read, I like to be immersed"

    No, that shows that you are pretty much the kind of person that thinks in black and white. No one is allowed to criticse your character. You are the kind of shallow reader that thinks that a good character is one with no flaws.

    And stop contradicting yourself, oh my god. It's so brainless I'm getting a migraine from wondering how stupid you can be to not even notice it. You get mad at me for suggesting that people do things, and then say "stop writing things that I wouldn't write or think about". Also, you get mad that I criticise your character, but say that I should take it in good stride that you criticise me for whatever.

    And worse, your criticism makes absolutely no sense! It's just you babbling and getting mad over something stupid while completely avoiding the point. Only a baby like you would actually get mad that I suggested we stop comparing the couples and making people upset in the comments. But of course, you're young and clearly, you don't have much of a brain if I keep explaining this to you and you fail to get it.

    I'll make it simple: Bad to compare and make people unnecessarily angry. Be nice. OK> Did Mommy teach you how to be polite? If she didn't have the time to teach you, well, I understand why you're so mad about me somehow taking away your rights to be a brat. If you need lessons on manners your Mommy didn't teach you, ask your Daddy or something.

    nathaniel September 17, 2019 8:19 pm

    Oh well, talking to you is like talking to a goat. You're the one avoiding the very issue you presented. I literally stated in my initial response that I think you are wrong to tell people what to do and what not to do. Me theorizing that something else is behind is the scene is more or less an afterthought. Regardless of whether that theory is right or nor is irrelevant. My main point stands. Don't worry, I certainly don't think you have a nuclear plot or something similar. You wouldn't be that smart to come up with something as complex as that. Furthermore, comparing things isn't unnecessarily bad. You keep telling me that I see things as black and white yet you are the one that falls in this deluded state. And please, don't start saying things to be polite. You weren't polite in your post either, you hypocrite. You are so deluded that you can't acknowledge the fact that you are just a mean person. My mother taught me to always place my feet on someone's else's shoes before I speak. Your parents might have taught the same to you but you probably forgot or ignored it. I couldn't for the life of me try to insult someone's parents like you can so easily. You think I'm the bad guy here? Try reading your responses again. You may think you sound smart by talking like a crass individual but it only shows your degenerate side. Before telling others to mind their manners, how about minding yours? You can keep telling yourself that I'm the one acting like a kid here but you will never change the fact that you are just a petulant child regardless of your actual age. Let's not talk to each other anymore since it is not going to bear any good fruit. Enjoy what you like to enjoy because that's what I've been promoting since the beginning. Despite the fact that you are crass, childish, and presumptuous, you have every right to think what you think. I was expecting a somewhat decent discussion but you felt the need to insult someone you don't even know personally. That, my dear friend, is the level that you are in.

    2seung September 19, 2019 9:47 am
    Oh well, talking to you is like talking to a goat. You're the one avoiding the very issue you presented. I literally stated in my initial response that I think you are wrong to tell people what to do and what n... nathaniel

    A long long response that still doesn’t answer the points I brought up. Wouldn’t it be easier to just admit that you were offended, you started spouting contradictions in your weird fury over “HOW DARE SOMEONE INSULT MY FAVE CHARACTER HE IS GOD” and then when I pointed them out, you refused to answer and just went on some dumb rant to hide this obvious fact: you can’t take criticism?

    2seung September 19, 2019 9:50 am
    Oh well, talking to you is like talking to a goat. You're the one avoiding the very issue you presented. I literally stated in my initial response that I think you are wrong to tell people what to do and what n... nathaniel

    LMFAO there’s so much shit in this comment I really feel like ignoring it because it makes my brain hurt at how stupid you are. I’m mean? You’re the one stomping your feet, screaming like a 3-year-old that got told off by his mother that he should stop raining on people’s parade. You’re brainless, that’s the conclusion I’ve gotten. You get mad that people tell you not to ruin the experience for others, pretty much like a neckbeard who thinks it’s edgy to be rude because your mother neglected you. Then you act like a child and project everything that is you on me. Your parents really did a bad job with you, is everything okay at home? How self-contradictory can you be? You’ve one of the lowest intelligence i’ve seen.