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Amorim September 16, 2019 10:53 pm

This is bad right? Like I'm legitimately confused as to why everyone is heaping praise onto this manga and giving it 5 stars. I couldnt get past chapter 5. The transitions arent even there, nothing is explained, a ton of characters are introduced right from the start and no depth is given to any of them. Everything is over-dramatized. Two people in 1 body which means one of them is gonna die... what the fuck yall? Like this is really bad.

    Kovrtney September 17, 2019 12:29 pm

    Their backgrounds do get explained in the further chapters. There’s even some good plot twist in them.

    Hattiert September 20, 2019 5:08 pm

    I understand. I almost dropped it in the beginning because I thought it was silly and not going anywhere. I’m SO GLAD I didn’t. The plot evolved into a complex intermingling of relationships. So many lives affected, so much trauma experienced and so much effort into healing. Oh, and no typical cliches here.