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I understand the frustration of wanting Kaoru to tell Hara about his string connecting but...

raven September 16, 2019 4:38 pm

I understand the frustration of wanting Kaoru to tell Hara about his string connecting but let’s take this into consideration. Kaoru has been dumped 3 times possibly more when the person he liked had their string connected so he may think Hara will be no different and have the same results.
The previous story demonstrated that even cutting the string won’t work if their feelings for each other are strong, it will reconnect. That must’ve been a slap on the face for Kaoru because even cutting it won’t make Hara stay. For now Kaoru is accepting “fate” that one day Hara will leave him and just wants to enjoy the remaining time he has with him.
My theory is that Hara will prove Kaoru wrong with his “to hell with fate” statement from previous chapters. Haras feelings for Kauru are so strong that the string will cut itself without Kaurus scissors needed. I’m the same way strong feelings reconnected the string, the same thing can be applied to cutting it. Proving once and for all that Hara loves him so much that he was willing to abandon his fated partner. Which will finally put Kaorus anxiety and doubt to rest and they can live their happily ever after.
But that’s just me wanting a happy ending
