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Ponponya September 16, 2019 3:30 pm

At first I was like why is haru lying. Just keep your promise and cut the string. Then I read somewhere that the guy (who could see the red string and asked for haru’s helped before) appearing is like a double edged sword. Sure we hope he can quickly tell that to seme about the situation but to haru, seeing this guy it’s like reminding him that cutting the string doesn’t mean cutting away everything cause this guy used to cut his own string before and then it reconnected. It’s like a big boom in haru face saying it’s useless to even cut the string. Anyway the next chapter is even sadder. I dunno when is this sadness gonna end.

    Ponponya September 16, 2019 3:33 pm

    I found who wrote it! It’s from here

    And sorry I think I pretty much messed up the names. Terribly bad with names

    Daniyell's Wifeu September 16, 2019 3:34 pm

    Yessssss! I agree! Actually arako's character from akai is really make everything sense (and important one!). If people read from akai would know how actually the red string can be important but at the same time it is not important as it is not a guarantee for people's love life. But.. It really actually a big decision for kouru to cut it or not.