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Noi September 12, 2019 9:03 am

So like if say someone makes assumptions about me, but it’s actually far from the truth and I’m not even trying nor actually doing anything that’s considered bad or way too far towards other people because doing something I disagree with isn’t something I’d do in general, I would get frustrated at being misunderstood based on either how other people want to perceive me or want to make an enemy which is something I avoid making because I want to solve things peacefully, though in general I’m really upfront about what I disagree with and I’ll stand up for what I think is right and other peeps I feel are innocent, nice, misunderstood, regretful or changed and I try and want to help other people in need. I have trouble expressing myself sometimes, but always try to understand other people. I used to be socially inept and in some ways I still am in terms of communication, but got better at reading people and an atmosphere over time.
