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I just finished volume 3, yet, i totaly ship Godou and Motoaki. They both so twisted, sou...

*.* February 13, 2014 8:18 am

I just finished volume 3, yet, i totaly ship Godou and Motoaki. They both so twisted, sounds stupid, I know. I don´t want anybody to die XD, i don´t want Shiiba to kill Godou! XDDD I never was sympathic with the really, bad "Enemy" before. But Goudo is kind of sympathic.

    *.* February 14, 2014 1:54 pm

    Well, Okay XD
    But I still like the Story and i wasn´t that shocked at the and O.o. The end is truly Beautiful, it is a end that make youre hearth beat faster.