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Maverick962 September 8, 2019 9:41 am


After read to chap 20, I feel poor uke so much...He was very proud, lived in rich family but it seems that his parents didn't spend much time for him and they are dead now... and he keeps blaming himself for their death. And... it turns out that Hanbit huyng told Wooyeon to live and be nice to Junwoo :| (But this drama didn't last for long :/ ) They still living with each other. I really understand Junwoo, not because I'm like his condition, I also stay at my room most every time except when I have to go to school, it's peaceful, sometimes i feel fun but sometimes i feel lonely too... Half of myself wants to go outside and play but half doesn't... I don't know it is good or not anymore :D And Wooyeon is like a hope for Junwoo but I feel that this hope is so fragile. But there is also a scar on Wooyeon's hands, maybe he once commit suicide like Junwoo did so he still wants to live with him?
