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I'm not sorry to bring it to you all -again- that's utter bullshit, it's not a rape. Nakyu...

Chapter 21 - Is the sex scene September 7, 2019 2:21 pm

I'm not sorry to bring it to you all -again- that's utter bullshit, it's not a rape. Nakyum wasn't almost unconscious he was clearly conscious enough to stand up and kiss another man and give himself voluntarily out of his own free will to that exact man. Conscious enough to exactly explain what he wanted and how he wanted it.

Basically, for some of you Nakyum is some sort of puppy or a baby. No, he is a grown man, sad and drunk, but still a grown man. Seungho was also drunk, does that mean when he was kissed by Nakyum it was non-consensual ? If one want to use the "drunk card" with Nakyum, then you have to use it for both of them. That's completely stupid, but it's your argument.

I just can't see how someone can think of it as a rape. And even in our time, it's not a crime for two drunk men to fuck together, even if one partner is drunk enough that they don't who they fuck but still clearly kiss you and tell you how they want to be fucked : you cannot call that a rape. Come on, get real people.

When someone speak about non-consensual intercourse it means rape, because the very definition of rape is the lack of consent. With a rape case a judge - everywhere in the world - will try to find out if there is a consent or not by using generally three notions : contraint, violence, surprise. Seungho didn't use violence, contraint or surprise, and thus didn't raped Nakyum. So please do tell me how is it a rape again ?

One could make a case and argue that it's a rape because Seungho took advantage of the situation and used some "surprise" here in order to deceive Nakyum into having sex with him : but he wasn't the one who first act on it. It was Nakyum - a grown man not a puppy - who kissed him and give himself to him.

But no, for some of you it's a rape because Nakyum was drunk and didn't know that the man he kissed and led to have sex with him wasn't the one he loved. Get real for 2 seconds. If that's your argument, every drunk person fucking another is a rapist. That's completely stupid.

Nakyum is an adulte, he was drunk and made a mistake and sadly that's why you don't get drunk like that in the first place, because if you do, you end up doing shit you'll regret. Nakyum is not a puppy, he is a grown man who end up drunk and doing shit he will surely regret

    Chapter 21 September 7, 2019 3:59 pm
    And you don't have to be unconscious when you are drunk so it would be considered rape. Also Seungho wasn't drunk.looooool @Anonymous

    The very definition of being "conscious" is for someone to be able to make a decision, while you are drunk you can be conscious and make decisions, but that's doesn't mean you can make clear decisions. Nakyum was drunk but he clearly wanted to have sex and kissed someone by mistake, and fucked that someone by mistake.

    Seungho was also drunk, that's why the author have shown us a scene with him drinking sake before kissing and fucking with Nakyum. But he was more conscious of the situation than Nakyum that's for sure.

    Either way, Nakyum was the one who kissed Seungho first. He's a grown man, not a puppy, he made mistake, that's all.

    Anonymous September 7, 2019 4:02 pm
    The very definition of being "conscious" is for someone to be able to make a decision, while you are drunk you can be conscious and make decisions, but that's doesn't mean you can make clear decisions. Nakyum w... @Chapter 21

    OMFG. I can't with you. Fuckin are pathetic. No wasn't thinking clearly. He didn't even know with whom he sleeps, he is super drunk. Sungho knows that guy doesn't want to sleep with him, he thinks it's someone else and he still took advantage. Don't compare initiating kissing to fucking. Stop that shit.

    manga1997 September 7, 2019 4:04 pm

    This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Say you don’t care that it’s rape and go. Don’t try making your own definition of what rape is. Wow I cannot believe the reach of this post

    Chapter 21 September 7, 2019 4:27 pm
    OMFG. I can't with you. Fuckin are pathetic. No wasn't thinking clearly. He didn't even know with whom he sleeps, he is super drunk. Sungho knows that guy doesn't want to sleep with him, he thinks it's... @Anonymous

    You can think it's pathetic all you want, that's doesn't change that in court, you will not find a judge who is gonna tell you that : two young and dunk men fucking and kissing each other is a rape because one party have made a mistake about the identity of his partner.

    If don't have contraint, violence or surprise in my country - in France - that's not a rape, and I don't believe in the slightest that anywhere in the world a judge will explain to you otherwise, that's simple. It's not because someone is drunk and made stupid mistakes that one can call that a rape.

    Seungho taking advantage of the situation doesn't change that at all. You can think it's bullshit or bad, but in the world of reality, if you have sex with someone while being really drunk it's also your responsibility, and I know what I talking about because I've been sexually assaulted, but yes, please, do tell me how I'm so pathetic to just explain to you that when your are a grown up man or woman you don't end up drunk like that because otherwise you end up doing shit you will regret.

    Anonymous September 7, 2019 4:29 pm
    You can think it's pathetic all you want, that's doesn't change that in court, you will not find a judge who is gonna tell you that : two young and dunk men fucking and kissing each other is a rape because one ... @Chapter 21

    Seungho didn't act drunk even one minute. All his actions were INTENTIONAL.

    Anonymous September 7, 2019 4:29 pm
    You can think it's pathetic all you want, that's doesn't change that in court, you will not find a judge who is gonna tell you that : two young and dunk men fucking and kissing each other is a rape because one ... @Chapter 21

    The updated definition includes recognizing any gender of victim and perpetrator and that rape with an object can be as traumatic as penile/vaginal rape. The bureau further describes instances when the victim is unable to give consent because of mental or physical incapacity. It recognizes that a victim can be incapacitated by drugs and alcohol and unable to give valid consent.
    His consent wasn't VALID. And you can hardly call Seungho drunk.

    Anonymous September 7, 2019 4:31 pm
    You can think it's pathetic all you want, that's doesn't change that in court, you will not find a judge who is gonna tell you that : two young and dunk men fucking and kissing each other is a rape because one ... @Chapter 21

    Girl Seungho wasn't even drunk. Everyone has different metabolism, it also depends on gender, weight etc. He could drink very small amount of alcohol. He didn't act drunk one second. You can even drive after small amount of alcohol.

    Nemaki September 7, 2019 4:33 pm
    And Seungho replies to him and him again, WITH HIS VOICE, not the voice of In Hun.Why are you all ignoring this point? How being drunk can deform voices to the point of not even recognize someone? Lmao, I don't... MangaSanctuary

    Stop it with his voice! If he can't even recognise him phisically do you think he can recognise his voice?? Seriously?? If he knew it was Seugho, he would call him seugho not teacher!! And that's it!
    And YES, Nakyum kissed Seugho without his consent first, and if Seugho didn't want it, he would have pushed Nakyum away and Seugho would have been the victim there. But that is NOT the case because Seugho totally went along with it and took advantage of the situation. Contrary of Nakyum, Seugho was totally conscious of what he was doing. That makes HIM the guilty party.
    When 2 persons are not conscious of what they are doing and are having sex, it's nobody's fault. But when one is conscious and take advantage of the other person who is not conscious, it's the fault to the one who is conscious!
    I don't even know why I'm explaining something so obvious! It's pure common sense!

    Anonymous September 7, 2019 4:33 pm
    Girl Seungho wasn't even drunk. Everyone has different metabolism, it also depends on gender, weight etc. He could drink very small amount of alcohol. He didn't act drunk one second. You can even drive after sm... @Anonymous

    Have drunk*

    Anonymous September 7, 2019 4:41 pm
    Stop it with his voice! If he can't even recognise him phisically do you think he can recognise his voice?? Seriously?? If he knew it was Seugho, he would call him seugho not teacher!! And that's it!And YES, Na... Nemaki

    ^exactly this comment section is crazy

    MangaSanctuary September 7, 2019 5:05 pm
    Stop it with his voice! If he can't even recognise him phisically do you think he can recognise his voice?? Seriously?? If he knew it was Seugho, he would call him seugho not teacher!! And that's it!And YES, Na... Nemaki

    Maybe because vision and voice aren't the same?
    Vision is the most troubled in such circonstumces, though not the ears. Even very drunk, one can still discern the voices, at least enough to stop the rape or struggle if there is one. For me, maybe he didn't want to admit he's having sex with the Lord?
    It's also bizzare for him to believe that In Hun would have sex like this with him, knowing the teach hate homos and treat NK as low-born.

    Well, anyhow... I think this discussion went too far. Yes, Seungho took advantage of the young drunkard, so what, now? Are you gonna complaain and complain again?
    You hate Seungho? Then just move to another yaoi with less psycho Seme ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Anonymous September 7, 2019 5:11 pm
    Maybe because vision and voice aren't the same?Vision is the most troubled in such circonstumces, though not the ears. Even very drunk, one can still discern the voices, at least enough to stop the rape or stru... MangaSanctuary

    Some sources? Or we should believe your imaginary words?

    Anonymous September 7, 2019 5:11 pm
    Maybe because vision and voice aren't the same?Vision is the most troubled in such circonstumces, though not the ears. Even very drunk, one can still discern the voices, at least enough to stop the rape or stru... MangaSanctuary

    Authored portrayed it in such way it's obvious he didn't know it's Seungho.

    Anonymous September 7, 2019 5:12 pm
    Maybe because vision and voice aren't the same?Vision is the most troubled in such circonstumces, though not the ears. Even very drunk, one can still discern the voices, at least enough to stop the rape or stru... MangaSanctuary

    You have the same disturbing mind irl? ;")

    Chapter 21 September 7, 2019 5:14 pm
    Stop it with his voice! If he can't even recognise him phisically do you think he can recognise his voice?? Seriously?? If he knew it was Seugho, he would call him seugho not teacher!! And that's it!And YES, Na... Nemaki

    No, that's just pure bullshit. Nakyum was drunk but conscious enough to make decisions ! He was conscious enough to kissed Seungho and have sex while being drunk, he even explain how he wanted it and how he liked it.

    The fact is, like it or not, Seungho was also drunk. He may have understand the situation well, but that's doesn't mean he is the only one responsible of their situation.

    In France - which seems to be your country - there rape only when there is contraint, violence or surprise (when a person is asleep for exemple). Where did you see contraint, violence or surprise here ?

    Seungho basically took advantage of the situation, yes ? It isn't a crime, and you will not find a judge in France telling you otherwise. I'm sorry, but Nakyum was drunk, so much drunk that he wasn't capable to know who he was kissing and fucking, but not drunk enough to not voluntary give himself to another person.

    For exemple, if you are drunk and give a blowjob to a stranger who also partly drunk while thinking it's your boyfriend, and if you call that person by using your boyfriend name : how is it a rape ? It's basically the exact same thing with Nakyum and Seungho.

    Nakyum is a grown man, he choose to drunk that much, and he also choose to have sex in that state of mind, which means he was capable of consent even in that situation.

    Anonymous September 7, 2019 5:31 pm
    No, that's just pure bullshit. Nakyum was drunk but conscious enough to make decisions ! He was conscious enough to kissed Seungho and have sex while being drunk, he even explain how he wanted it and how he lik... @Chapter 21

    You don't understand word: drunk. Drunk: affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behaviour. Seungho wasn't drunk in the slightest.
    No was so drunk he didn't recognize person with whom he talks sleep. How many times people have to explain it to it
    One guy was super drunkz the other wasn't even tipsy.

    MangaSanctuary September 7, 2019 5:31 pm
    You have the same disturbing mind irl? ;") @Anonymous

    Personal attacks are used when one fail ;)

    I may be stupid but I never used personal attacks against you. This is just an exchange about iddferent opions, you don't need to be despicable.

    You're conscious that this is a work of fiction? An an not common one, btw.
    I don't know why you spend so much time on it if you hate it so much.

    Anonymous September 7, 2019 6:05 pm
    Personal attacks are used when one fail ;)I may be stupid but I never used personal attacks against you. This is just an exchange about iddferent opions, you don't need to be despicable.You're conscious that th... MangaSanctuary

    No I was seriously curious if you had such pov irl because it's dangerous for the others

    Kiwiuke2203 November 29, 2019 6:22 am

    If you are drunk enough to not think clearly, know who you are interacting with, remember the next day anything and someone Knows this and decide to penetrate you or anything sexual that’s rape. In this case the uke was very drunk and wasn’t in his right state of mind to make actual choices the the seme knows this. The uke thought he was have sex with the teacher. The next day he didn’t remember. It’s one thing I’d both parties was drunk and slept together but the seme was sober while the uke was not.

    Sugarcube August 31, 2020 8:39 pm

    It is rape according to the legal definition of rape in several countries. A country that doesn't define taking advantage of an intoxicated person as rape has a very poor definition of rape from a human rights perspective. Every person has the right to be safe at ALL times.

    Nakyum was under the influence of very strong liquor, and it is thus Seungho's responsibility to keep his hands and dick away from Nakyum, until he sobers up and is capable to properly accept or decline sex. Plus Nakyum thought he was having sex with Inhun, not Seungho, which Seungho was well aware of, yet he still proceeded despite that. He deliberately took advantage of the situation.

    Seungho isn't drunk, and even if he had been, it would still be considered rape in some countries. It is your responsibility to not put others' safety at risk. If you get drunk, and you get in a fight or in a car and start driving it, you are still breaking the law, as you put other people's lives at stake, so why would it be legal to rape someone, just because you are drunk?

    Obviously not everyone who has sex while drunk are rapists or victims. Having drunken sex is NOT the definition of rape. If you wake up the day after, you realise what happened and you are okay with it, then that means that there was valid consent in the moment - and in majority of cases, this is how it usually goes.
    If you wake up the day after, realise someone has taken advantage of you, as you didn't wan't to have sex with that person and weren't able to say no properly, then there wasn't valid consent in the moment, thus it was rape.

    But most importantly why are you defending Seungho here? Why are you such a strong defender/supporter of his actions/rape here? You don't have to answer me, just think about it..