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Ya'll are crazy lmao

EMJAE September 6, 2019 6:36 pm

I'm so glad everyone else is as excited about this manwha as I am. I don't usually read ahead in the raws but I'm just so captivated by this story I can't help it.

The latest raw makes me think that the plot is going to get pretty intense from here on out. I don't think Kyum is going to be very helpful when it comes to the actual plot, bless his heart he's kind of dumb & depending on how long this story runs for, I don't see the painter baby boy angel being loyal to Yoon or willing to help the guy out when shit hits the fan.
So it's going to be Yoon vs. the world in season 2. I'm going to be counting the days till we get that next raws update.

    MangaSanctuary September 6, 2019 8:21 pm

    I agree but hope also that Nakyum will grow a bit mature and stronger in the process and have the courage to take side with Seungho. After all, it's all for him that the Master is doing this...

    Gansjyl September 6, 2019 8:48 pm
    I agree but hope also that Nakyum will grow a bit mature and stronger in the process and have the courage to take side with Seungho. After all, it's all for him that the Master is doing this... MangaSanctuary

    Seungho is doing everything for HIMSELF. No one should side with him. He's a piece of shit, anyway we look at it.

    MangaSanctuary September 6, 2019 8:57 pm
    Seungho is doing everything for HIMSELF. No one should side with him. He's a piece of shit, anyway we look at it. Gansjyl

    You are so hard on him
    He's barbaric but I can totally see him protecting Nakyum, he's awaken to love since he met the artist. Don't understimate the Power of Love.

    kattypatty September 6, 2019 10:18 pm
    You are so hard on him He's barbaric but I can totally see him protecting Nakyum, he's awaken to love since he met the artist. Don't understimate the Power of Love. MangaSanctuary

    bruh when grows from this RAPE, he's hopefully going to be mature enough to realize that he needs to gtfo of there, my boi needs to protect his health from psychopaths and stds

    EMJAE September 6, 2019 11:16 pm
    Seungho is doing everything for HIMSELF. No one should side with him. He's a piece of shit, anyway we look at it. Gansjyl

    It's been suggested by a servant that someone hurt him pretty badly in the past and that's why he's all screwy now. I'm surely not excusing his actions by any means, but that's some plot were going to get later on that should explain Yoon's personality.

    I'll make a judgement of him when I know more about him. All that we know right now is what others have said about him, or how Kyum thinks of him. Yoon's character is incomplete at the moment because all we see is what's on the surface. :3

    EMJAE September 6, 2019 11:18 pm
    I agree but hope also that Nakyum will grow a bit mature and stronger in the process and have the courage to take side with Seungho. After all, it's all for him that the Master is doing this... MangaSanctuary

    Well we are only in the first part of the story, so it's possible that Kyum will decide that Yoon is worth siding with, but I don't think that's the direction this is headed. I would hope so, but I don't think we'll get a happy ending...

    Gansjyl September 7, 2019 6:09 am
    It's been suggested by a servant that someone hurt him pretty badly in the past and that's why he's all screwy now. I'm surely not excusing his actions by any means, but that's some plot were going to get later... EMJAE

    No sort of tragic past excuses pretending to be someone and having sex with a drunk vulnarable person under that disguise. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    EMJAE September 8, 2019 9:38 am
    No sort of tragic past excuses pretending to be someone and having sex with a drunk vulnarable person under that disguise. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Gansjyl

    I mean. I kind of expect it from this guy. I obviously don't completely understand the original language, but others in the comments say that Yoon asks Kyum to call him lord instead of sir, leading me to believe he doesn't actually actively pretend to be Inhun.
    It's possible that Yoon, known for being a sex maniac, just got kissed on by the boy he's been thinking about "trying" and goes with it.
    Again, not excusing him, but I ain't sticking my nose up at the guy or feeling any outrage for Kyums Innocence. I think the scene is great. Wonderful entertainment.