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You know personally I'm usually not a fan of sibling lovers. but I have to say in this cas...

Kio-chii February 10, 2014 6:05 am

You know personally I'm usually not a fan of sibling lovers. but I have to say in this case I can accept it <3 I guess it has half to do with the fact that they haven't been with one another for years :) but they make a good couple.

    Anonymous March 21, 2014 7:37 pm

    I think it's also not as big of a deal since they're both guys. Most of the stigma against sibling incest is bc if they had children, the kids would most likely have genetic abnormalities/defects.

    Anonymous March 21, 2014 8:46 pm

    I don't want to be mean but, really?! thats your reason!?

    Hahaha March 26, 2014 4:56 am

    Thank you last anon. I read that first response and was like, "My sister can't HAVE kids, does that mean it's okay for me to sleep with her?" ABSOLUTELY NOT.

    lenaloe March 26, 2014 8:15 am

    I agree with Anon too though. Most of the stigma regarding incest is created by society and propagated via institutions which sometimes include religious institutions. It has a lot to do with Mongoloid children despite the relatively low probabilities. The same way homosexual relationships do not create children. Society will not endorse such relationships.