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Important things to note!!!

dattw September 2, 2019 4:10 pm

These are things that people missed out on which I find really important, since the chapter seems anti climatic otherwise.

1) "What do you want me to do?" This isn't the best translation. Seungtaek is more of asking Inbeom "what would you like me to do?". He's trying to take responsibility and atone, asking Inbeom what should he do to that Inbeom thinks is good (like maybe a settlement sum, or a formal apology).

2) Inbeom's hands start shaking while he's talking to Seungtaek. Seungtaek notices. He leaves then, even though he was trying hard to talk to Inbeom. It's parallel to chapter 111, where Inbeom first started liking Seungtaek.

Inbeom is someone who's neglected by his parents and it's painfully clear his parents have almost abandoned him. Naturally, being unloved by the most fundamental people in your life breeds a lot of insecurities about being unworthy of love. Inbeom's afraid of looking weak, looking unworthy. He told Seungtaek that he was extremely embarrassed about crying. Inbeom also said he started picking on Seungtaek, as Seungtaek saw him when he was weak and so became a threat.

In chap 111, Seungtaek stops anyone from seeing Inbeom crying and leaves him alone to collect himself instead of trying to comfort Inbeom. I think that it's exactly what Inbeom wants at that moment, and Seungtaek gives him precisely that. As said, Inbeom's insecurity is looking weak. Seungtaek knows he's embarrassed to be seen crying and so leaves him alone.

In chap 112, Seungtaek notices that Inbeom's hands are shaking. He's clearly about to cry. Seungtaek *still* remembers that Inbeom holds his pride dearly and doesn't like people seeing him being weak. So he tells Inbeom that he'll leave first, and *Inbeom can leave a few minutes later*. Basically, Seungtaek leaves first so that Inbeom can cry without him seeing. Inbeom can leave when he's ready (when he's collected himself).

I know people are always ragging on Seungtaek, but I want to highlight this that Seungtaek was generous to Inbeom. Inbeom mocked and bullied him for no comprehensible reason. Seungtaek knew Inbeom's weakness -- he hated being seen as weak. But not once did Seungtaek bring this up with anyone when he clearly could to humiliate Inbeom and get back at him. Seungtaek tried his best to ignore him, and one day, he snapped and turned violent.

Seungtaek has done bad things, but you guys really need to stop seeing only what you want to see. Seungtaek's a victim. Just because he doesn't fit your idea of a victim -- he's physically and mentally strong -- doesn't mean that he ISN'T a victim of Inbeom's physical AND sexual harrassment. And just because Inbeom has had a change of heart, it DOESN'T undo the horrible things he's done to Seungtaek. You can love a character and acknowledge that he's done bad things.

Seungtaek noticing that Inbeom's hands are shaking:

    dattw September 2, 2019 3:27 pm

    A list of shitty things Inbeom has done that I acknowledge even though he's my favourite character (and everyone should too):
    - Continuously mocked and harrassed Seungtaek
    - Terrorised other children too
    - Ordered Kyubin around because he "saved" his life by asking Kyubin to miss the family outing (that led to the car accident), even though Kyubin was going through a hard time as his whole family died
    - Beat Seungtaek with a helmet till he passed out
    - Sexually abused Seungtaek by kissing him while he was unconscious (idk why people keep glossing over this when you'd be livid if this happened in real life)
    - Beat up his FRIEND, Kyubin, for being close to Seungtaek
    - Stole someone's phone to blackmail him into bringing Seungtaek to him
    - Beat Seungtaek with a helmet till his ear bled and he was on his knees
    - Sexually abused Seungtaek a second time by forcefully kissing him
    - Stole Suhyeok's money and uniform + other things

    Let's go through a scenario. A boy hits you with a helmet till you're bleeding from the ear and you're on your knees. Your head hurts like crazy. He's taunting you, and then he tells you that he sexually abused you the last time he hit you and you passed out. He says he would have done more (maybe undress and assault you) if some guy hadn't intefered.

    You snap and beat him till he's unconscious. Instead of acknowledging what the boy has done to you, I blame you for not controlling for strength in a hectic situation where you can barely even see straight. Yeah, so he did those things, but you didn't have to hit him THAT hard. I ask you why you didn't talk it out with him, as if it was a great option while you were on your knees and bleeding. Then I call you a bad person for hurting your attacker.

    ^ This is the ridiculous thing that a lot of you guys are doing in the comments. You are victim blaming Seungtaek with no regard for how you yourself would have reacted in his situation. Seungtaek has done wrongs, but nothing changes the fact that Inbeom did some horrible things to him. You can't give Inbeom a pass just because Inbeom has had a change of heart and Seungtaek seems fine. That's a big fuck you to all victims of bullying, physical and sexual abuse. You clear the slate of abusers because they had a bad childhood and are different now. Who undoes the trauma of the victims?

    Sugakookie September 2, 2019 3:55 pm

    Thank you for this :)

    happyguy September 2, 2019 3:59 pm
    A list of shitty things Inbeom has done that I acknowledge even though he's my favourite character (and everyone should too):- Continuously mocked and harrassed Seungtaek- Terrorised other children too- Ordered... dattw

    ╥﹏╥ thank you

    nezu September 2, 2019 4:51 pm

    BLESS U and ur comment