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I'll continue reading out of curiosity but this is a 6/10 for me at best

akera September 1, 2019 11:35 pm

not really crazy about this one since her resolve came from wanting to be there for the emperor rather than from her own thinking and reflection which I'm not fond of.
She also is very weak and lets everyone walk all over her.
Another thing I find unpleasant with this type of stories and this might sound too deep for just a manga that I'll forget about in a couple of days, is how they make it in a way that "if you don't utilize this thing pereived as a gift then you're wasting your life".... it doesn't have to be that way. Some people are content with utilizing less han 10% of their potential, maybe beause they don't want to be too stressed to keep their "genius status" or something. I don't know why but that rubbed me the wrong way. Even intelligent people and geniuses can choose how they want to live and they don't owe anyone anything.

    Mochi September 15, 2019 4:27 am

    Yep. I also dislike that she's only doing this for the emperor, but I'm hoping that at some point, she'll realize how far she can go and will decide to stomp her haters.