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Anonymous August 26, 2019 5:36 pm

It goes without saying that Seungho is a well written character. The journey of his mental breaks are crushing and chilling because much like Seungho we don’t know exactly what the cause is! I do want to say that mental illnesses writ large inherently do not make a person violent, sexually or physically. Every case has varying factors.

I’m coming to appreciate that we readers are trying to piece together the scattered and unreliable memories and feelings that Seungho has, just as much as Seungho is. We were all lead to believe that Dohyun had somehow sexually assaulted or abused Seungho when they were young but now in the aftermath of everything it seems the only person who still believes in that reality is young Seungho who felt he had to do anything to keep the object of his obsession near him.

I re-read the scene where Seungho is going through his diary and in one of the torn pages it says(paraphrase) “ isnt obvious that this is the only way to make him stay”. I also noticed the frequency of their intimate activities ( it was nearly everyday). I think Seungho might has initiated this sexual relationship to keep Dohyun around (which leads me to the question of who or what taught Seungho that sex is a tool of manipulation or control) but maybe resentment began to build when sex became such a focal point of their relationship. He may have liked what they did, but most definitely did not like that Dohyun only stayed for the sex and not Dohyun ( at least this is what his mind told him). And Dohyun ignoring him for those few days sent him spiraling.

Seungho definitely has some mental illness on the side of a chemical imbalance and a definite violent streak. I’m not surprised now that he went into the business he went into, violence comes very naturally to him. and I would suspect Dohyun has BPD given the abuse and abandonment he experienced during his formative years and his need to manipulate Seungho into further attaching to him. Although I wish there was a way to confirm it via the story, it’s realistic not to have a clear diagnosis. So many people go through life struggling to maintain healthy relationships and connections with themselves and others because they don't know the root of their issues. I suspect these two will never resolve anything and continue on this unhealthy cycle because the real issue is not the warehouse or their adolescent relationship but their unresolved childhood traumas.

    nis September 7, 2019 2:45 pm

    quite brilliantly said

    Anonymous September 8, 2019 5:07 am
    quite brilliantly said nis

    Thank you!