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Inbeom is at fault

Anonymous August 20, 2019 7:09 am

I just logged in to say that Inbeom fans are seriously disturbing and complete revisionists.

It’s as if they started reading the manhwa only after Seunghee’s arc began so the only image they have of Inbeom is some pitiful “misunderstand” harmless delinquent who benevolently befriends another socially misunderstood youth (Seunghee). So from this second arc one would think , redemption! Inbeom is actually a nice guy and doesn’t deserve all the latent consequences coming to him now. But he does. Because you have to read the first arc to understand the full story between Seungtaek, Kyubin and Inbeom.

Inbeom fans claim Seungtaek never faced the consequences of his actions, but neither did Inbeom.

Inbeom was a complete bully who tried, keyword TRIED, TWICE to terrorize Seungtaek but quickly realized he met his fucking match because Seungtaek is not only NOT a pushover but he can actually fight. Inbeom being a hardhead with no hands decided he wanted another taste and got his ass beat a second time. Also his fans seems to forget that he did all this because he clearly liked Seungtaek and got pleasure from trying to demean and overpower him, hence knocking him out then kissing him. That is a classic case of sexual and physical assault. Yet that gets brushed aside as “ well that was in the past” but Seungtaek still needs to kowtow to his abuser?

1. Inbeom was never charged with criminal sexual or physical assault for attacking Seungtaek in that alley

2. Inbeom didn’t receive any discipline from his school for his attack on Seungtaek

3. No one in Inbeom inner or outer circle know of the attack for him to receive any social consequences (bar Kyubin)

So while Seunghee and you all play captain save a hoe to Inbeom because you don’t want to know the full extent of why he received that karmic amnesia ( the bully finally meets his match) you should consider the fact that he has not atoned for what he did. Getting his memory back and knowing why he deserved those beatings from Seungtaek will allow him to truly atone.

So this is the start of the beef. Simple and clear yet somehow Seungtaek should feel bad that he had to beat up this boy to point of hospitalization because he wouldn’t stop harassing him? I wonder if you all would have the same sympathy for a guy who tried to beat you in submission.

    Your_Mom August 20, 2019 7:13 am

    Shit... you right

    a.belle August 20, 2019 8:48 am

    you're totally right! this manhwa has been going on for a while so readers are bound to forget some details but i am surprised to see how many people have seemingly forgotten pretty important plot points/character moments

    mangageaux August 20, 2019 8:56 am

    Whew. Say THAT!

    wangxian August 20, 2019 1:14 pm

    EXACTLY!!! It bothers me so much that people are supporting Inbeom as if they forgot what he did to Seungtaek.

    bimblefrog August 20, 2019 4:15 pm

    with the same mentality you have towards inbeom, apply it to seungtaek. the only man here that has gotten the short end of the stick REPEATEDLY has been kyubin. it almost makes me wonder WHY he's even in love.

    Anonymous August 21, 2019 6:08 am
    with the same mentality you have towards inbeom, apply it to seungtaek. the only man here that has gotten the short end of the stick REPEATEDLY has been kyubin. it almost makes me wonder WHY he's even in love. bimblefrog

    You can’t compare their relationship.

    Seungtaek and Kyubin have gone through their ups and downs and have reached a place of understanding. They love each other and Kyubin took the fall a second time because he loves Seungtaek unconditionally and did it as a selfless act of love. Only Kyubin knows why and Seungtaek can’t be blamed for Kyubin loving him so selflessly.

    Also as much as people hate Seungtaek because he is adored by Kyubin, remember that he also gave up his foreign language school to stay with Kyubin. They both love each other and have each made sacrifices for their relationship and each other.

    Anonymous August 21, 2019 6:10 am
    you're totally right! this manhwa has been going on for a while so readers are bound to forget some details but i am surprised to see how many people have seemingly forgotten pretty important plot points/charac... a.belle

    It’s almost like they completely wrote a whole new manhwa starting Inbeom, it’s so weird.

    Also when has Inbeom redeemed himself apart from being nice to Seunghee? I don’t see any actions that make up for treating everyone like shit, including his own cousin.

    Anonymous August 21, 2019 6:14 am
    EXACTLY!!! It bothers me so much that people are supporting Inbeom as if they forgot what he did to Seungtaek. wangxian

    And still hating Seungtaek!!

    As much as KyuTaek love each other, you really think Seungtaek is gonna let the guy who attacked him come back and try his boyfriend? Oh but he’s supposed to feel bad because Inbeom goes to karaoke with Seunghee. The kids in here are delusional.

    xielian_inlove August 21, 2019 11:45 am
    You can’t compare their relationship. Seungtaek and Kyubin have gone through their ups and downs and have reached a place of understanding. They love each other and Kyubin took the fall a second time because ... Anonymous

    lol ano, here’s one word: codependency.
    Sacrificing what I want for someone else is not love because it’ll inevitably lead to resentment. Covering for your unstable boyfriend’s acts is not love either.
    But think what you want lmao

    Anonymous August 22, 2019 3:08 am
    lol ano, here’s one word: codependency.Sacrificing what I want for someone else is not love because it’ll inevitably lead to resentment. Covering for your unstable boyfriend’s acts is not love either.But ... xielian_inlove

    I mean clearly you don’t read the manhwa so you don’t realize that they’ve had these discussions and are growing because one thing love takes is open communication and compassion. Theyre working towards finding that balance.

    Kyubin made the healthy decision to live with his extended family instead of staying in his immediate family home because it would be better for his future. Even if it means not having as much time together as they each desired. So clearly theyre young but theyre working through it. A healthy relationship isn’t about being perfect or making all the right decisions all the time, it’s about growing, learning and applying past lessons to new experiences. This is something they clearly do. But you hate them so read it as wrongly as you want to.

    xielian_inlove August 22, 2019 3:52 am
    I mean clearly you don’t read the manhwa so you don’t realize that they’ve had these discussions and are growing because one thing love takes is open communication and compassion. Theyre working towards f... Anonymous

    lol! so just because I don't gaslight like you (you didn't address the serious problems in their codependent relationship at all, and just talked about kyubin moving to family which is not the basis of why they're even together), or twist the events to fit my interpretation of what's going on in the plot means I haven't read the manhwa? ahahahahah! the clownery! xD

    NekuChan August 22, 2019 6:46 am
    EXACTLY!!! It bothers me so much that people are supporting Inbeom as if they forgot what he did to Seungtaek. wangxian

    I actually forgot though lol

    Anonymous August 22, 2019 8:19 am
    lol! so just because I don't gaslight like you (you didn't address the serious problems in their codependent relationship at all, and just talked about kyubin moving to family which is not the basis of why they... xielian_inlove

    Do you have low reading comprehension? Hey, stop reading manhwas all the time and pick up some scholarly articles. You have trouble following along so let me break it down for you.

    They are not co-dependent, first of all. Kyubin was growing increasingly attached to Seungtaek because that was the first person he connected with after his family’s death. He became dependent on that connection ( are you lost now? Do you want to shout , see he is codependent!! Well no, dependency is not co-dependency. Developing a strong bond and depending on someone isn’t unhealthy or toxic. Its normal)

    Now I used that example not because I’m evading your wrong ass analysis but to showcase that they are in fact not co-dependent. If they were, Kyubin would not be able to make that decision for HIMSELF. He acted based on his own interests and future, whether Seungtaek would be there or not. Seungtaek in turn did not punish Kyubin for putting his own needs first. He, as anyone would be, was upset but ultimately and very quickly understood and respected Kyubin’s decision.

    You are a bozo for throwing around words you have no clear understanding of. Go read an actual book.

    Anonymous August 22, 2019 8:20 am
    I actually forgot though lol NekuChan

    At least you admit it. Im certain 98% of these Inbeom fans forgot too and just don’t want to admit it. Theyre in for a surprise though. But they’re already so far up his ass, I’m sure they’ll find a way to blame Seungtaek again.

    xielian_inlove August 22, 2019 11:32 am
    Do you have low reading comprehension? Hey, stop reading manhwas all the time and pick up some scholarly articles. You have trouble following along so let me break it down for you.They are not co-dependent, fir... Anonymous

    Way to try to make this personal, you clown xD
    I have a background in psychology but go off with your ignorance I guess. And their relationship is def co-dependent. How many times has Kyubin modified his behavior to gain/keep his partner’s love and attention? I feel sorry for twats like you confusing infatuation and attachment for love, but you do you babe. Good luck :D Also get off anon - anonymous commenters are cowards. Hiding after throwing insults and whatnot pfft