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About this girl

ChickenLittle August 19, 2019 12:08 am

You just know a bunch of people are getting their pitchforks ready and start attacking this girl. Look, I'm not going to say I endorse or agree with her reasoning for breaking up with the older brother, but can we not treat her like she's a complete and utter monster, and for a minute take a look from her perspective. She did make an attempt to talk with the younger brother and let him be involved when they were hanging out and stuff and she did try to talk to him and use sign language (even though she's not skilled enough to do it at the same pace as younger bro). But at some point it became difficult for her, it was becoming increasingly difficult for her - she wasn't as skilled in sign language as either one of them, so constantly wouldn't be able to get everything in their conversations and the older bro is constantly giving attention to lil bro so she's not getting as much attention as she probably wants.

Also, her concern about him learning to write and carry around the board may have been slightly rude, but it wasn't cruel and was based on a genuine concern - because in reality, not everyone is kind or bothered to learn sign language as she said (yes the lil bro is right that the impaired shouldn't be cursed with having to understand others while no-one makes an effort to understand them, and his points are valid; BUT reality is cruel, and even though it's something that should happen the likelihood of this happening is pretty low.

So yeah, could she have handled or phrased her opinion better? Yes, most definitely. However, is she a monster? No. She's a character with in my opinion somewhat reasonable concerns and worries, that sadly wasn't as prepared as she initially thought to date someone with a sibling who has a hearing disability.

    fun August 19, 2019 1:21 pm

    Yeah, but when she said to Ryou that her father said, that dating a man with a sibling disabled isn't godd, she was implying that also her children in the future could be born disabled and this is very sad, because if she was really in love with Ryou she could have made an effort to learn sign language instead of give the board, why ask another person to change if she didn't want to change first? I have nothing against her she is human and certainly she is afraid and unprepared to afford the situation but She is selfish and superficial and thinks only of what is best for her not for Ryou or her brother so I don't like her very much.