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How do I know if I like someone

Thatperson August 12, 2019 5:14 am

I feel confuse it's been so long since I had a guy friend I'am mixing up my feeling of affection for my guy friend into romantic feeling

    brickneyspearsBL August 12, 2019 5:28 am

    Your heart flutters, skips a beat
    You’re excited to see him everyday
    You get jealous or a stinging feeling when he’s around a different girl
    You enjoy him
    Kept staring at him
    Nervous around him
    Likes his company
    You think about him a lot
    If you can’t imagine being without him
    You can picture a future
    You use effort for him

    Well anyways, hope this helped. Good luck (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    BeepBopp August 12, 2019 5:38 am

    What do you mean « mixed feelings »? Do you like him or not?

    blatantescapist August 12, 2019 5:43 am
    What do you mean « mixed feelings »? Do you like him or not? BeepBopp

    I think what they mean is they're not sure if the feelings of affection they have for the guy is platonic or romance because it's been a while since they had a guy friend.

    blatantescapist August 12, 2019 5:43 am
    What do you mean « mixed feelings »? Do you like him or not? BeepBopp

    *romantic oop

    blatantescapist August 12, 2019 5:45 am

    Uhhh, well if you think about kissing him does it make you feel conflicted? Because if you think about your other friends, your immediate thought would usually be a straight up "no". I guess that can clear up a few things.

    Mars August 12, 2019 6:27 am

    Shit dude...been there done that..he liked me back...quite obvious...and once I started to like him...he stopped liking me back...soooooo yeahh I guess I was too late...and when I confessed to him...he only just stood quite...and for that I was kinda angry, sad, and a bit every since then...i Kinda idk...feel sad and angry at him but mainly at myself for being too late...

    BeepBopp August 12, 2019 6:55 am
    I think what they mean is they're not sure if the feelings of affection they have for the guy is platonic or romance because it's been a while since they had a guy friend. blatantescapist

    The only difference between platonkc and romantic is wether or not you want to date the person. It’s hard for me to believe some people doesn’t know what they feel

    blatantescapist August 12, 2019 7:56 am
    The only difference between platonkc and romantic is wether or not you want to date the person. It’s hard for me to believe some people doesn’t know what they feel BeepBopp

    Not everyone’s great at social cues, y’know. I’ve personally had this sort of problem because I’ve always been in an all girls school until I reached college. I’m sure OP has a different kind of circumstance than mine but personally, I couldn’t tell when I was in college because I barely interacted with men.

    It’s ridiculous when I think about it now but that’s the circumstances I was brought up. I couldn’t tell if I was happy simply because I finally got a first guy friend or affectionate because I might have feelings for them.