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For those who like the Dark boy

MaskedChild August 8, 2019 6:36 pm

I just want to inform you, he is an abusive rapist. If you sympathize with him, you would become one of his victims.

You would be mentally tortured, and receive the minimum affection necessary for the relationship to continue. If you want anything, or try to set boundaries, you become the bad guy. If you stand up to them, they become volatile.

This creature in human's clothing deserves no sympathy, and no second chance. Time does not heal those who enjoy being a monster.

    Jonghyun<3 August 8, 2019 6:40 pm

    Omg foreal I knew something wasn’t right but I didn’t know it was something like that

    Vetti August 8, 2019 10:20 pm

    Rapist or not he's still hotter than Kyujin. However I do hope MC ends up with the one whom makes him happy.

    lemontwist01 August 9, 2019 1:42 am

    Thank you for the heads up!! Idk why people are so into him, it's obvious he makes chiwoo uncomfortable and his behaviour shows a lot of red flags... Well, let's see how this goes

    MaskedChild August 9, 2019 2:00 am

    If he isn't a rapist, my bad. I read these few chapters, and the context clues seemed like he was. If not sorry for the confusion. However, being physically abused is very close to that, and the way our sweet boi reacts, it feels like it is something more. Also, if you notice his body language whenever that guy is around, it just screams that more than beatings happened.