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Unpopular opinion

kris August 8, 2019 4:42 pm

Age doesn't really matter per se, it's about having consent and a good power balance, having the partners in equal footing. Just like you can't assume all older people are smarter than younger people, you can't assume the level of maturity and responsibility of people by age only. I had a friend who had a 21 year old boyfriend while being 13, it was their first relationship for both and they were very shy and cute, both didn't really know much about dating, now they're still together and their relationship is legal, and healthy as always!

    Nenu August 9, 2019 4:03 am

    Yeah, but I can't help but always think what the 20+ person is even thinking about. A teen's interest in someone older makes a lot of sense , they're always wanting to grow up fast, but what could the older one possibly see of interest in someone so far apart in all ways? The mindset, goals and basically, the general understanding of the world, changes so much during those crucial stages that it just doesn't make sense to me that, knowing all that, the older person would even consider it, I'd think they have some kind of mental issue. I got creeped out just by the thought of it when this one 17yo boy tried to have something with the 25yo me, he seemed like such a little boy to me, even though the age gap wasn't so big and we shared many interests and opinions, but that one generational gap made me feel worlds apart. Maybe it's just me, though, I'm glad it works for some, I guess.

    mil August 20, 2019 2:53 am

    Same. My parents have a 10 year age gap and have been together for over 25 years. It kinda sucks when people scream pedophilia. It's not the same, you guys. Those creeps prey on the innocent who barely have any understanding on what it means to be in a romantic relationship or haven't even fully developed. Consent, communication, and a good power balance as you've said, is key to having a lasting relationship regardless of the gap. Besides, it's not like the guy in this manga's a child. He knows what he's doing.

    mil August 20, 2019 3:01 am

    Just a tiny bit of info, my mother was also in high school and was courted slowly over the years. They were lovers in a healthy relationship. They're religious so they didn't have sex until marriage (yeah i personally think it's silly but it's their choice lol). Even then, they took eight years to have a stable income, car, and home, before they decided to have a child. Circumstances for every couple is different. Don't just label things as "ew gross it's wrong!!! age gap!!!!!!!". Who they are as a person should be factored in before calling things right or wrong.

    chuu~ <3 August 21, 2019 10:17 pm

    Wait hold up, imo age doesn’t matter once you’re legal. However your friend was 13 with a 21 year old, for me thats weird because your friend was most definitely not legal and really young, glad their relationship turned out well though and he wasn’t a creep

    1412bunny August 25, 2019 1:19 am

    when one of the people is underage then yes, age does matter.

    kris August 26, 2019 12:10 am

    This became very controversial wow I mean I understand why many laws forbid this kind of relationship because of certain patterns and statistics of what USUALLY happens with people in that kind of relationship... but putting law aside every case is quite particular in it's own and not all relationships are the same in the end, so I prefer not to treat ALL underage kids as some completly pure and innocent beings who know nothing about the "real world" because that is just not realistic xD it doesn't apply to all of them at least, I give them the space to be treated seriously

    chuu~ <3 August 26, 2019 7:50 am
    This became very controversial wow I mean I understand why many laws forbid this kind of relationship because of certain patterns and statistics of what USUALLY happens with people in that kind of relationship.... kris

    i sound so mean but even if they’re aware of the ‘real-world’ the older person should know that they’re probably coming off as a creep and atleast wait until they’re legal (it’s only like 2-4 years it really isn’t that hard) if they still want to date by that time

    Irene October 21, 2023 6:34 am

    Your friend is a victim, absolutely creepy.