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You guys, this translator is rewriting the dialogue cause she's not fluent enough to under...

god isn't real August 8, 2019 2:39 am

You guys, this translator is rewriting the dialogue cause she's not fluent enough to understand the longer and more complex dialogues. Go look at the raws, you'll see that in places that have longer sentences and even paragraphs, she'll translate to simple sentences that don't match the original dialogue at all. Crappy translations is one thing, completely inaccurate translations is on another level.

    god isn't real August 8, 2019 2:55 am

    If I may give an example, in chapter 21, when Bin picks up Gok, Gok actually says "You got jealous over Jinju, you like me." And yet, in that section of dialogue in the new translator's chapter, she doesn't mention Jinju AT ALL. Instead, she replaces it with "I was miserable without you." That is not even remotely the same as what the original said. Are you guys really okay with this? We had good translators on this before, I don't know why this translator just showed up and took over, it's a shit move.