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soooooo, did they really just kill Hodram's wife and daughter? I mean I get that Elena wan...

angel1 August 2, 2019 3:27 am

soooooo, did they really just kill Hodram's wife and daughter? I mean I get that Elena wanted revenge on Hodram and i agree he deserved death (though i would have preferred some more slow and painful torture first), but i really dont like the idea of his wife and daughter being killed, they didnt do anything to deserve it, they just happened to be his family.

    MaddyHat August 2, 2019 8:20 am

    As much as I can agree that it leaves a bad taste to kill the wife and daughter as well, but in war at those times if you left a member of the family alive then that living member can try to come back for revenge. So even in our history it happens that the winning side kill all from the opposing side both innocent and guilty. To ensure that nothing comes back to bite them they take care of "loose ends"

    Grital August 2, 2019 7:57 pm
    As much as I can agree that it leaves a bad taste to kill the wife and daughter as well, but in war at those times if you left a member of the family alive then that living member can try to come back for reven... MaddyHat

    Actually I think there was more to it than that, that’s why they pointed out that they ‘left with him’ I get that they were family so they’d stick with their husbands/father but I think they went along with what he did so we’re not completely innocent.
    But yeah.
    Bad taste

    demon13o August 13, 2019 6:59 am

    Like both sides of a coin, the family might have never revolted back with vengeance, but at the same time they could turn an entire kingdom or country against them later if they were to live.

    So life can have two sides of a same coin, fate and choices decide which side is your true side.

    Shindere August 26, 2019 1:36 am

    If that is how you feel then you should stop reading this. Cause this is a story that isn't all goody but rather, coherent and cruel.

    I like the fact that this isn't like those typical story where the main characters are always "good guys." And I like the fact that the main characters being cruel isn't some kind of trope for an evil side that is going to become prevalent later on. They just human being capable of showing good to people who has right them and showing cruelness to people who has wronged them.

    If you don't like that kind of story and just want to read idealistic goody two shoes story then you should stop reading this.