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I just can't change my mind on the princess other than her being a bad ruler. Well the war...

Kat August 1, 2019 2:17 pm

I just can't change my mind on the princess other than her being a bad ruler. Well the war ended and now realising herself that she did nothing should get her thinking that she is not fit being the ruler or either change that naive mindset of hers.

    Shindere August 26, 2019 1:47 am

    A capable ruler isn't someone who has all the solution. A capable ruler is someone who can recognize good solutions that other people have help them implement it.

    Just take a look at the democratic party within America. All the candidates running for president all have good solutions for the problems in America. The fact that nothing is getting done isn't because they don't have solutions. It's because they don't want to rally together in fixing the problems of the nation and just want to bicker for power.

    I'd much rather vote for a person who can say, "That idea is better than mine. I'll do my best to help implement that idea even if I don't become president" than a president who keep parading his or her solutions as the best one even when it is clearly not.

    It's because people want a person who have all the solutions instead of a person who wants to better the nations that we keep having President that cares more about their money and power than the nation's problems.