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Man... I hate when translators stop posting and hope for others to pick it up.. I should h...

Dxsiree July 28, 2019 2:13 am

Man... I hate when translators stop posting and hope for others to pick it up.. I should have never even start reading this just to be stopped in the middle of it with a note stating, “This is the last chapter I’ll post.” I understand what the authors are going through but come on if you know something is going to end up hard and bad... please don’t get the readers hopes up by starting to post it and then giving up in the middle of it

    manga puppy January 6, 2020 2:21 am
    What happens when new episodes come out huh? Oh ok,.. Dxsiree

    U wait and see what happens that’s what

    D ace January 6, 2020 5:00 am
    Dude u good?? Where was I being a hypocrite hm? I said if a person wants to complain about the uploaded not doing his or her job then they should go buy the chapters themselves. (Am okay with what the uploaded ... manga puppy

    Well then, that's you, you don't have to shove yours ideals down someone's throat,its never going to work any way, just as u want to live ur own life, let people do what they want.

    manga puppy January 7, 2020 1:37 am
    Well then, that's you, you don't have to shove yours ideals down someone's throat,its never going to work any way, just as u want to live ur own life, let people do what they want. D ace

    Uh huh says the hypocrite that literally brought back a dead convo just to “shOve tHeiR opINion doWN Our ThrOAt” please just stop uk u have no idea what was going on before u got involved. Just like u got involved out of no where please leave like that too. I just stated my opinion and left but u revived the convo and started arguing back and forth trying to make ur point clear while me on the other hand I was just trying to make u understand (not shove it down ur throat) what I said since u had no idea what was going on. So in other words u are the bigger hypocrite please kindly stop now it really doesn’t matter to me if anyone wins this argument it really don’t

    D ace January 7, 2020 3:27 am
    Uh huh says the hypocrite that literally brought back a dead convo just to “shOve tHeiR opINion doWN Our ThrOAt” please just stop uk u have no idea what was going on before u got involved. Just like u got i... manga puppy

    I only got involved becuz u were being a fake angel by insulting someone which u urself did.

    manga puppy January 7, 2020 11:36 am
    I only got involved becuz u were being a fake angel by insulting someone which u urself did. D ace

    What is wronggg with uuuu where did I insult anyone please point it outtttttt just please POINT IT OUT. When I say u really don’t know what was going on U FUCKING REALLY DONT, SO PLEASE BE QUIET NOW AND MOVE ALONG. This convo has lost it’s purpose am out bruh am done replying to ur nonsense. I hope u read this one day and realize how little to no sense ur replies made. U just LOVEEEEE dramas don’t u. Well here’s the thing u don’t have to leave this conversation I’ll leave myself. Am so done here u made my brain cells deteriorate so bye feel free to stay here while moping and poking around this entire convo looking for something more to say