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not sure about this one

ARTEMIS July 27, 2019 6:41 pm

didn't really like yuki but i suppose its fine since gou was really happy and that kid's happiness is very important

    ARTEMIS July 28, 2019 9:53 am

    yall really gonna lie to yourselves and say he isnt a bland character w no development huh

    Anónimamente-Anonimo July 28, 2019 1:15 pm
    yall really gonna lie to yourselves and say he isnt a bland character w no development huh ARTEMIS

    Me da flojera contestar en inglés pero Yuki si tuvo desarrollo. Si lo piensas bien, no actuaba y no hablaba porque le daba miedo, no se involucraba en nada aunque literalmente estaba en todo, e incluso le dice a Gou que es malo con cosas fuera del guión (o sea, que no es bueno con lo no planeado) pero empezó a abrirse más hacia las cosas y personas, y a pesar de que le revela a Gou que tenía miedo de revelarle su identidad, no huye en el momento

    ARTEMIS July 28, 2019 2:33 pm
    Me da flojera contestar en inglés pero Yuki si tuvo desarrollo. Si lo piensas bien, no actuaba y no hablaba porque le daba miedo, no se involucraba en nada aunque literalmente estaba en todo, e incluso le dice... Anónimamente-Anonimo

    huh i guess that's one way of seeing it. the way i see it is that yuki just became familiar with gou and hence, started opening up to him. he only revealed his true identity because gou himself figured it out first. i just think that yuki had much more potential for growth. sure, he loves gou but it's all kinda bland

    Anónimamente-Anonimo August 24, 2019 4:25 pm
    huh i guess that's one way of seeing it. the way i see it is that yuki just became familiar with gou and hence, started opening up to him. he only revealed his true identity because gou himself figured it out f... ARTEMIS

    Wella, that's true, Yuki had a lot more of potential, it's sad that we couldn't see more of him

    Anónimamente-Anonimo August 24, 2019 4:27 pm
    Wella, that's true, Yuki had a lot more of potential, it's sad that we couldn't see more of him Anónimamente-Anonimo
