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Warnings, triggers, and so on.

Soubix July 27, 2019 5:16 pm

Full disclosure, this manhwa is entirely filled with rape of both men and women, and frankly, I'm not here for this. So, absolute 100000% warning, this isn't just your typical Bara, this is violent and beyond on a level that is disturbing and sickening. So, before reading, know it isn't fun and sunshine and lolly pops and love and whatever else. It's dark.... How do you unsubscribed from updates? I'm honestly sick of the frequency of the rape, and if anyone new is considering reading this.... Here's your warning

    BBhomemaker July 27, 2019 11:52 pm

    Thank you sincerely for writing this warning. I ALSO became disgusted after reading it - AT FIRST I really felt the story was promising, I loved the artwork, the different body types but I stopped reading just before they beach visit. I wish it was different...

    Soubix July 29, 2019 8:12 pm
    Thank you sincerely for writing this warning. I ALSO became disgusted after reading it - AT FIRST I really felt the story was promising, I loved the artwork, the different body types but I stopped reading just ... BBhomemaker

    Couldn't agree more. The rape troupe is entirely unecessary, and frankly the gratuitous amount of it is disgusting. The wizard didn't need to rape son and father and mother yet there he goes, like magic wasn't enough to curse the fuck out of them on its own. And now the main characters? Done and done.

    Trixie August 16, 2019 11:29 pm

    Not again. -_- I wanted to read this so much because it looked promising, but I can't stomach another rape story. Why, just why??? Thanks for the warning.

    Soubix August 20, 2019 8:28 am
    Not again. -_- I wanted to read this so much because it looked promising, but I can't stomach another rape story. Why, just why??? Thanks for the warning. Trixie

    Right? It was great before the rape and other squicky stuff happened.