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This is the most horrible and horrific story I've ever read. I did not enjoy it at all. I ...

KuroBuru July 26, 2019 12:37 pm

This is the most horrible and horrific story I've ever read. I did not enjoy it at all. I only kept reading because I was hoping something good would happen, but nope. I felt there was no real character development and the things Kyoung Soo had to endure, and ending up with Stockholm Syndrome. No, this story is not for me. And don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't appreciate the art or work that has been but in to this. I just don't like the story.

    chewycat12 July 26, 2019 5:18 pm

    I felt the exact same. It made me sick. I thought it was going somewhere but it was just rape after rape.

    Kiyo-chan July 26, 2019 9:12 pm

    Damn right this is fucked up im so sick of it