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"She's Missing" was seriously the most confusing thing I've ever read. I feel like I misse...

Anonymous January 23, 2014 10:06 am

"She's Missing" was seriously the most confusing thing I've ever read. I feel like I missed a lot even though I read every page?

    Ari February 17, 2015 5:27 pm

    The guy Kobayashi searches for the girl Adachi which he loves (e.g. he talks about her a lot) and his friend Yanagi tags along (he secretly loves Kobayashi) hoping they would never find her. Kobayashi hurts Yanagi a lot, talking about how he will go out with her, but the cruelest is the fact that the Yanagi sees Kobayashi truly is in love. Then Kobayashi gets hurt by Adachi, because she doesn´t care a bit for him. Yanagi wants hurt her in revenge (he loves him so much), but he regrets it then, because it seems like she was really hurt. ...Evberyone healing their wounds the wrong way, repeating mistakes...