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For those who are reading ch. 27, just a note to those who haven't read it yet or might be...

Anonymous July 24, 2019 4:14 pm

For those who are reading ch. 27, just a note to those who haven't read it yet or might be a little cohfused, it looks like pg.15 and 16 are reversed, because it made more sense when I flipped the two (1. Elite's pointing a finger
2. The injury would be immediately noticed
3. Snow White's "So it was ok for me to "lean" on them during that scene"->scene where she gets attacked, which she explains on the next page that was supposed to be the previous page. )

It seems the last page and 2nd to the last page was also reversed (the 2nd to the last page suddenly became the title of the series, when that usually would be found at the end, every time a chapter ends) but it's not anything big. It's the 15-16 page that's a little confusing.

    Alice Of Wonderland August 4, 2019 6:12 pm

    Sorry for the downvote! I meant to like since I also got confused but I understand it now, thanks!