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Discord Link for Season 2 Releases

Poro July 17, 2019 7:06 am

This isn’t exactly a discord invite. Rather it is the link to the FAQ of the group responsible for translating Season 1&2 of Suddenly Became A Princess One Day. On the FAQ,there is an invite to the Discord Server.

Alongside the invite,is an explanation of why chapters shouldn’t be shared ANYWHERE outside said Discord server. You will probably understand as you read,why chapters are no longer being uploaded (ripped) here anymore.

What many do not realize is that any English translation beside Tappytoon’s is actually illegal and translators can get into legal trouble if their translation is found out. If you can’t follow simple requests like that,then just stick to waiting for Tappytoon rips or buy directly from them to support the author.

Translating group FAQ:

PS:- If sharing this is not allowed,I will gladly delete it. Apologies for any trouble caused.
