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Glad I picked this up. Not glad I picked this up at only 1 chapter xD Deyum Mr. ghost I li...

Master July 16, 2019 8:32 am

Glad I picked this up. Not glad I picked this up at only 1 chapter xD
Deyum Mr. ghost I like ya already
And rly though, if ya gonna commit suicide, do it, if u change ur mind, don't. Don't drag other ppl into ur mess, especially if they had nothing to do with it in the first place.

    hahaoof July 18, 2019 10:47 am

    damn lol that's callous of you to say to a suicidal person

    Master July 19, 2019 12:47 am
    damn lol that's callous of you to say to a suicidal person hahaoof

    I would say that to a suicidal person and not regret it lol

    Copellion July 19, 2019 4:40 am
    damn lol that's callous of you to say to a suicidal person hahaoof

    Yeah it's pretty callous, but when you consider the insane shit people DO to commit suicide in the first place (throwing themselves in front of vehicles, jumping off of buildings into a crowded street, or worse - committing acts of terrorism/murder before killing themselves), suicidal folks should REALLY not drag innocents into their own mess.
    But if they were sane enough to realize that, then they wouldn't be committing suicide in the first place, so telling them that wouldn't work. /shrugs

    JaneTheNerd July 19, 2019 7:32 pm
    I would say that to a suicidal person and not regret it lol Master

    Congratulations on become of the reasons people commit suicide!

    Master July 19, 2019 10:43 pm
    Congratulations on become of the reasons people commit suicide! JaneTheNerd

    Aw thanks. Glad I could help with the problem of over population. XD

    Na jieun June 10, 2024 9:08 am
    Congratulations on become of the reasons people commit suicide! JaneTheNerd

    Smearing your issues onto others' problem by blaming them to be the reason of suicidal committing suicide is pretty selfish and messed up

    [email protected] June 10, 2024 2:45 pm
    Smearing your issues onto others' problem by blaming them to be the reason of suicidal committing suicide is pretty selfish and messed up Na jieun

    Damn bro this was literally from years ago bros looking for a reason to fight

    Na jieun June 10, 2024 2:47 pm
    Damn bro this was literally from years ago bros looking for a reason to fight [email protected]

    I did not read the date, and this is a comment section :P, welcome to freedom of speech.
    You matured enough to not smear your problems onto strangers but still sensitive and did not grow a think skin for freedom of speech.

    janniezannie June 10, 2024 2:48 pm
    I did not read the date, and this is a comment section :P, welcome to freedom of speech.You matured enough to not smear your problems onto strangers but still sensitive and did not grow a think skin for freedom... Na jieun

    Actually it’s my freedom of speech to say idgaf so

    Na jieun June 10, 2024 2:50 pm
    Actually it’s my freedom of speech to say idgaf so janniezannie

    That is why you replied :P, and it is my freedom of speech to write a comment.

    janniezannie June 10, 2024 2:52 pm
    That is why you replied :P, and it is my freedom of speech to write a comment. Na jieun

    Least obvious rage baiter ever. And like I said I really don’t care, I’m just confused on why this random ass person is commenting on this thread from years ago. And I can reply to whatever I want, cuz like you said freedom of speech :3

    Na jieun June 10, 2024 3:06 pm
    Least obvious rage baiter ever. And like I said I really don’t care, I’m just confused on why this random ass person is commenting on this thread from years ago. And I can reply to whatever I want, cuz like... janniezannie

    This random ass person was curious about the comment section so she'd have an idea about this webtoon and came across your manipulative comment XD. Imagine being so selfish by smearing your problems into someone else by accusing them of being the reasons why people commit suicide. Mentally fucked up XD.
    It's fine bae, I get that you are embarrassed and want to have the last word. You are funny if you think people disagreeing with you means that they are rage baiting lol

    janniezannie June 10, 2024 3:17 pm
    This random ass person was curious about the comment section so she'd have an idea about this webtoon and came across your manipulative comment XD. Imagine being so selfish by smearing your problems into someo... Na jieun

    I mean idek if you read the thread, but the person I was responding to literally said they would encourage other people to kill themselves, which is why I said what I said. But honestly, you might be going through something so I’m just not gonna respond anymore. I really do hope you find help in your life because i genuinely don’t know why you’re so pressed. Good luck in life! I’m not gonna waste my time arguing with a kid :)

    Na jieun June 10, 2024 4:08 pm
    I mean idek if you read the thread, but the person I was responding to literally said they would encourage other people to kill themselves, which is why I said what I said. But honestly, you might be going thro... janniezannie

    You still did not work on your reading and comprehension skills after all these years and instead admitting it was mistake because you misread the OP's comments, you are still writing these lame excuses because you are too embrassed? XD
    It is fine, though you should start to develop some humility

    Master June 11, 2024 2:52 am

    Lmfao holy shit completely forgot about this thread xD

    Na jieun June 11, 2024 6:25 am
    Lmfao holy shit completely forgot about this thread xD Master
