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Okay but Seheon's father is a grown ass man who had a child and a wife and yet and still c...

Back At It Again With An Unpop July 14, 2019 4:58 pm

Okay but Seheon's father is a grown ass man who had a child and a wife and yet and still choose to do what he did. I mean I get it I empathize with him but if he's gonna be selfish in that way anyway, he might as well have gone through with it all the way. He knew the risks and impact the relationship would have had on his job and on his family and he still went ahead and had it anyways. Then when it came time to owning up to his actions, he chose to run away and leave the kid (because that's what Taejun was, a fucking kid.) out on his own defenses. That guilt and pain he's feeling, he'll feel it for the rest of his life and rightfully so.
