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In "If the Rain should stop"... which is a more FATED encounter, with the classmate or hi...

ren July 14, 2019 1:06 pm

In "If the Rain should stop"... which is a more FATED encounter, with the classmate or his brother? The older brother is clearly in love with his girlfriend.

How about the 28 year old teacher and his student ? Is there a hint they will get together? It feels like they will at the ending. The age gap is big though, at least 10 years ? But it shouldn't matter, should it ? But, he's been with his grildfriend for at least over 10 years.... why they haven't married is quiet surprising. It seems they 've been living together all this time, but the girlfriend doesn't even know if he has a suit... I mean, living together for more than a decade , one would think she' d know what his clothes are in the closet, especially a formal suit.
