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How to upload a chapter?

eLLie July 8, 2019 2:42 am

I have a chapter 19 and I would like to share it but I don't know how, could someone help me?

    (@-@) July 8, 2019 3:04 am

    click on the flag on the right and copy a link in the other textbox

    eLLie July 8, 2019 3:11 am
    click on the flag on the right and copy a link in the other textbox (@-@)

    Which flag?

    BlueMoon July 8, 2019 3:48 am
    Which flag? eLLie

    God i wish i know T T

    eLLie July 8, 2019 5:55 am
    God i wish i know T T BlueMoon

    Me too, I already have until chapter 31 and I do wush to share them but sadly I don't know how so anyone please teach me

    BlueMoon July 8, 2019 6:09 am

    This link should help you somehow

    (@-@) July 8, 2019 6:39 am
    Which flag? eLLie

    the black and white flag on the edge of the left side of your screen

    (@-@) July 8, 2019 6:40 am

    it should appear when you're reading

    (@-@) July 8, 2019 6:47 am
    BlueMoon July 8, 2019 6:53 am

    Only on computer

    eLLie July 8, 2019 6:55 am

    Oh so it is only possible in computer

    BlueMoon July 8, 2019 7:12 am


    eLLie July 8, 2019 7:20 am

    Oh, sad... I see

    eLLie July 8, 2019 7:22 am

    Thanks for the replies, I'll think of something so that I can upload some chapters

    Mike oak July 19, 2019 4:39 am
    Only on computer BlueMoon

    Wdym ? Im using my phone and i can see the flag on my screen 0_e

    AriellaEdna July 19, 2019 4:47 am
    Wdym ? Im using my phone and i can see the flag on my screen 0_e @Mike oak

    if using phone, you know where to sign in mangago right (that 3 horizontal line on right upper edge)? on the drop down there, there is option for desktop version. When you click it, the page view will in desktop mode.. so you can see the flag when you click on any main manga page. Hope this help...

    AriellaEdna July 19, 2019 4:48 am
    Thanks for the replies, I'll think of something so that I can upload some chapters eLLie

    if using phone, you know where to sign in mangago right (that 3 horizontal line on right upper edge)? on the drop down there, there is option for desktop version. When you click it, the page view will in desktop mode.. so you can see the flag when you click on any main manga page. Hope this help...

    DramaticMES July 21, 2019 1:10 am
    Yes....... BlueMoon

    BlueMoon are you a Backstage Pass game fan?

    I know this is irrelevant but you username made me gasp.