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Everybody had their own issues and worries that caused them to behave the way that they di...

Hikikomori July 7, 2019 1:26 pm

Everybody had their own issues and worries that caused them to behave the way that they did and I personally think there's nobody but Taejun to be blamed for his own demise. He was clearly suicidal. Saying that he wants to end his life when he's the happiest is a clear sign of mental health issues. Leaving all of your loved ones behind to mourn for you and to fill them with regrets is too selfish. The most cruel way to punish your loved ones is to take your own life because people can come to terms with an accident thinking it was unavoidable but ending your life with your own hands fills them with guilt and regret. They come up with different kinds of scenarios where they could have stopped it from happening and suffer for a long time when the reason you committed suicide was something as shitty as getting dumped by your married boyfriend when it was clearly you who initiated it with no hope at all and then you go ahead and fucking die. I know that there are many people who suffer from heartbreak and I'm not trying to belittle the problem here but there are countless ways to come out of that problem and I'm more than confident that there's someone out there who's just the right one for you. Why don't people think of other important aspects of their life before taking that step. Honestly I don't understand people who take their lives so lightly as to finish it over something like break up and stuff and I really sympathise with the people who are left behind. In this case here everyone is a victim but Taejun.

    PhoenixFyre July 7, 2019 1:58 pm

    It doesn't always have to do with a breakup. Some people are just severely depressed and hide it well. When you have Chronic depression it is really bad and some people don't want others to know and hide it well. I know this well and have seen it many times over. I lost quite a few friends from suicide due to depression. They aren't trying to be selfish... they are mentally in PAIN. There isn't always a cure to it. But not all go for help. It is a sad disorder.

    Hikikomori July 7, 2019 2:41 pm

    I understand that but there are people who've come out of severe depression with proper help. Suicide is really just a means to escape. People like Sophie Turner are setting examples today. People just try to brush it off even when they are aware of the problems. One reason is the lack of will to live. People don't take mental health seriously and it is especially true for those who're suffering from it. They don't seek help and just wait for everything to okay on its own. For most of the people Mental health issues are still fiction. Almost all of the people who've accepted the truth that are mentally ill and seek help have been cured. There are lot of people in my country who've come out and spoken about mental health. People who think that dying is their salvation and will put a fullstop to all of their problems are honestly just cowardly fools.

    T-Abberant. July 7, 2019 3:55 pm

    @Hiki, I get what your saying but sigh not everyone is as strong as you are, or think the way you do. Not for a moment have i thought of how my family would feel or if it would matter. Blaming someone for their depression and actions they take because of it hmm o dont see how thats any good either. Taejun could have been dealing with far more (his parents died too) well his mom i dont remember facts about dad.
    He had alot and i believe he was forcing it down and trying to be a support for his brother by always smiling. Meeting the professor i bet that was this ray of hope for him. The way things went well it could have and prob was just the right amount of pain to add to the others that pushed him off the edge. "Saying he wanted to end his life at the peak of his happiness" ah depression isnt something as simply as being down in the dumps as everyone gets every now and then. Its...sighs sometimes people who always make decisions for others happiness want to be selfish at least once.

    ...♡ July 7, 2019 3:59 pm

    hey dude, depression is a disease, you cant just blame someone with a disease for dying. its what people do eventually. this story is about moving on and i think u need to do that too. volunteer with a suicide helpline, do something with your passion cause it aint getting nowhere with a fictional character

    T-Abberant. July 7, 2019 4:06 pm
    hey dude, depression is a disease, you cant just blame someone with a disease for dying. its what people do eventually. this story is about moving on and i think u need to do that too. volunteer with a suicide ... ...♡

    Ah thats what i was trying to explain but went indept so they could understand. Lol please don't suggest the volunteer thing i feel he/she would make other's worst. I felt depressed after reading the comment and writing my reply in away for this person to understand. So no please dont do volunteer for suicied helpline

    Fujoleyyy July 7, 2019 4:29 pm

    All I can say is that it is different from every persons perspective.
    For me Taejun was not selfish, not even once I felt that he was selfish, well choosing your own death because you think that is better that may be selfish to the people who will be left behind but that selfishness is the only control he had over his life. Everyone seems to think that getting over with by passion or support and treatment will always help but its not exactly like that because human psyche is much more complex. Some get through and get better, some struggle and some people choose death. You know what, the people who are left behind must live and continue their lives that is the most noble thing they can do for their love ones who chose death. To remain strong while carrying both good and bad memories. <3

    Hikikomori July 8, 2019 5:48 am
    All I can say is that it is different from every persons perspective.For me Taejun was not selfish, not even once I felt that he was selfish, well choosing your own death because you think that is better that m... Fujoleyyy

    Hmm I get what you're saying and I agree that perhaps it was the only thing he could think of to rid of the pain he was experiencing, its just that his life was very precious and he was very loved. If I'd met him in real life then I would have loved him too. What I'm trying to say is there are so many things and people to live for but you chose to end it all for merely a fraction of its entirety but it is also true that not everybody thinks the same. Everybody has different thought process and thinking that they would think the same way as me would be very presumptuous of me. So that's that but I still think that getting help is the best solution.

    Fujoleyyy July 8, 2019 5:54 am
    Hmm I get what you're saying and I agree that perhaps it was the only thing he could think of to rid of the pain he was experiencing, its just that his life was very precious and he was very loved. If I'd met h... Hikikomori

    You are so sweet dear, it makes me happy when someone would go out their way to support and help someone even if that person is stranger. You remind me of that. <3

    Hikikomori July 8, 2019 6:09 am
    Ah thats what i was trying to explain but went indept so they could understand. Lol please don't suggest the volunteer thing i feel he/she would make other's worst. I felt depressed after reading the comment an... T-Abberant.

    I probably would make them feel bad won't I? I'm aware that my thoughts and views are a little hard on them. But there are times when you have to be a little harsh to make one understand the importance of something. This is just my opinion and I could be wrong and I'll take what would convince me from others. But guys please understand that I'll do everything that I can to help a person suffering from mental health issues to get through the disease. I'm just speaking about those who decide to end it without even trying at all.

    T-Abberant. July 9, 2019 2:44 am
    I probably would make them feel bad won't I? I'm aware that my thoughts and views are a little hard on them. But there are times when you have to be a little harsh to make one understand the importance of somet... Hikikomori

    Well i think its nice that you care and you certainly have passion. But in this case tough love is a no no or being harsh. Maybe just maybe it would work with some people but alot of ppl have been treated quite harsh or abused so you see how being harsh would only add to the flame. (Im just talking about it generally here not just depression,]
    we all know each case is different and everyone's reactions are different).

    Ringo July 9, 2019 5:08 am

    Indeed, ignorance is bliss eh.

    ...♡ July 13, 2019 2:35 pm

    did you guys forget they train you to stop someone from committing suicide if you volunteer at a suicide hotline

    PhoenixFyre July 13, 2019 5:02 pm

    Just because you work for a suicide hotline doesn't mean everything will work out well. Also not everyone calls in for help. There are people that are good at hiding depression and suicidal tendencies. I volunteered for a suicide hotline and believe me when I say we wish we could have saved everyone. It is not possible all of the time.

    Fujoleyyy July 13, 2019 5:27 pm
    Just because you work for a suicide hotline doesn't mean everything will work out well. Also not everyone calls in for help. There are people that are good at hiding depression and suicidal tendencies. I volunt... PhoenixFyre

    Yup, some of them suddenly snap and just do it without a hint of fear.