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Kill me now

Zero July 1, 2019 7:09 pm

Honestly, this story is fucking shit. I could only sit through 21 chapters of this trash, and I wish I never clicked on it. The main character is a fucking dumbass. That’s all there is to it. She can’t fucking stand up for herself and has absolutely no common sense. Her “love interest” is a dick who rapes her TWICE, calls her a slut, and then also calls her his property (and when he does this, she fucking blushes?!). No one acts like this in real life. All his interest and “standing up for her” is a way to try and manipulate her and the readers into believing that “Oh, he’s a good guy. I mean he raped her, but he also helped her out when she was in need.” Like stfu. I have never read something that has made me this worked up, and I hope that anyone who is some how attracted to the love interest wakes up, because it is not okay to be treated like this by a misogynistic dick who only wants to gets in a girl’s pants.

    Zero July 4, 2019 6:46 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Rey07

    Lol, looking back I freaked out a ton, but I still stand by my points. I hate the female lead. I find that she has no shred of common sense. Some of the things that happened to her in the 20 chapters are in no way in her control, like how her ex was sleeping with her sister and how she was raped twice (yes, raped, not “nono”), but I’m not going to try and sympathize with someone who is so dense about the people around her that she has to have all that information spoon fed to her by either being beat up, or by being saved by her rapist. I cannot believe that a story like this is able to get 4 stars, because it paints the story that if you become dense, unable to fight for yourself, and become a scapegoat for people, that one day, your knight in shining armor will come and rescue you. I understand that there is a difference between fiction and real life, but I just can’t justify stories like this one. For example, if you play a game about guns and shooting poeple, it will not automatically mean that you’re gonna shoot up a building one day. I do like messed up stories with messed up characters, but in those stories, they don’t try to normalize it and paint it as a place that reader should want to be in. Those authors doesn’t try to realistically romanticize it, but this story does the exact opposite with its storyline and its characters. Rape is one thing that should never be thought of as hot or sexy. The story is unrealistic in many ways, but it still manages to squeeze out that a good girl will always be sly but not rebellious, alluring but not slutty, kind but not unfaithful, and strong but not untamable. I also think that physical attractiveness also plays a part in this. Imagine if the love interest in this story was instead an old, fat, sweaty, balding man. It totally changes the way you look at the story when it really shouldn’t. Both manipulated her. Both raped her. Sorry for the whole rant. I just have a lot to say lol.

    fantasyfemme August 15, 2019 9:09 pm
    Lol, looking back I freaked out a ton, but I still stand by my points. I hate the female lead. I find that she has no shred of common sense. Some of the things that happened to her in the 20 chapters are in no ... Zero

    haven't read this, don't want to read this...but I feel you and agree with you completely regarding such narratives that repeat themselves as a cliché in almost every third comic/webnovel.

    babyangelholic November 16, 2019 3:32 pm

    i think most of chinese webtoons are like that. so glad to see this comment so that I wont read this story in vain. I really HATE stupid MC and ML... =_____=