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Why do I get the feeling Sakura's going to give up half of her magic to Akiho? Somehow, I ...

hmmm June 27, 2019 1:18 am

Why do I get the feeling Sakura's going to give up half of her magic to Akiho? Somehow, I don't know how to feel about that.

Like on hand: "Great! Akiho has magic and can be accepted by her family! And Sakura no longer has to worry about this 'losing control' business."

But on the other hand: "Why does Akiho not having magic make her any less deserving of love? If her family can't love her for what she is, then they don't deserve her. And why can't Sakura be strong enough to control her own magic? It would show tremendous growth and would make her stand out as a badass who was able to do something even the almighty Clow couldn't."
